Easily create artistic or realistic selfies for free.
Free AI Selfie Generator
Simply upload 2-4 images of your face, then enter a text prompt (or choose from one of our presets) to generate an image of yourself as an Astronaut, cowboy, Van Gogh painting, sci-fi protagonist, or anything else you can imagine.
My mind is blown by NightCafe and I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing the work it generates!
— @TheNamesClove
Our AI selfie generator can generate images of any person, based on 2-4 images of their face. To use it, make sure you're in "Selfie Generator" mode on NightCafe, then follow the instructions.
Unless you publish your images to the explore page or share a link to the creations, they'll be private only to you. The images you upload of your own face are only visible to you while you're logged in to NightCafe - no-one else can view them, even if you publish the resulting creation.
Yes, the selfie generator is not a PRO feature, so you can use it for free using your free credits. You get free credits every day, and you can get more by earning badges.
Yes, you can use your AI-generated faces for commercial purposes like marketing or as part of your digital artwork. However, you shouldn't use your fake AI faces to scam people online.
Thank you for the amazing work. I'm LOVING it, specially now that I figured my "style".
— u/DadHunter22 on Reddit
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