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NightCafe Community Standards

Guidelines for what's allowed - and not allowed - on NightCafe

We value our community, and we want to keep it fun, positive and safe; so we developed these guidelines for participating in the community in a way that keeps it such.

If you see a creation or comment on NightCafe that you think violates these guidelines, you can report it. Reported comments and creations will be reviewed by moderators.

Please follow the guidelines to ensure a positive experience for yourself and the community!

Consequences of violating our Guidelines may result in:

  • Community Ban - You won't be able to post comments or share your creations, but you can still generate images privately.
  • Community & Creation Ban - For more serious violations, you may lose the ability to create or download content in addition to the Community Ban restrictions (above).
  • Permanent Account Disablement - In extreme cases, your account may be completely disabled, meaning you will lose access to NightCafe and any of your saved creations.

How to behave on NightCafe

For the most part, it's as simple as not breaking the rules below, but here's what we encourage:

  • Compliment users on their creations
  • Make new users feel welcome, and give them tips on how to improve (in a constructive way)
  • Feel free to ask questions about how something was achieved, but remember the artist is not obliged to divulge their secrets
  • If a creation evokes emotion, let the artist know!
  • We highly recommend NOT sharing any personal information (E.g. your phone number, address, bank account details, etc) in creations, comments or chat messages.

What's allowed, and what's not?

NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

NSFW refers to content that has adult themes. NightCafe allows some NSFW content as long as it's marked as such by the creator. When publishing each creation, you are responsible for marking it NSFW if necessary.

Many young children use NightCafe (with and without parental supervision) and we want to keep it safe and appropriate for them. The general guideline for what should be marked as NSFW is anything that would give a movie or TV show a M15+ rating. For detailed guidelines on what should be marked NSFW, and what's not allowed at all, see the Image Classification Guidelines. Repeat violations of these guidelines will result in a community ban. Particularly egregious violations may result in your account being disabled entirely - in this case you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.

Creations and Uploaded Images

Our classification guidelines refer to all content, regardless of whether it is published, uploaded, or private. This means that even content that you keep private is not allowed if it violates our guidelines.

We've done our best to be unambiguous about what's allowed and what's not, by creating detailed guidelines on image classification. To find out exactly what's allowed, please see the Image Classification Guidelines, or skip right to the relevant section:

Repeat violations of these guidelines will result in a community ban. Particularly egregious violations may result in your account being disabled entirely - in this case you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.

Daily Challenges

Official daily challenges have stricter rules than normal publishing. Anything that would normally be classed as NSFW (or not allowed) is NOT allowed in challenges.

Comments and Chats

Our goal is for NightCafe to be a positive, welcoming place. To help us achieve that, please refrain from the following when engaging with other users on NightCafe:

  • Excessive comments or @mentions asking for likes and follows - this is considered spam.
  • Non-constructive criticism or content that creates a hostile or unwelcoming environment.
  • Homophobic, transphobic, racist or other discriminatory remarks, language or sentiment.
  • Political arguments and content that could be considered bait for such an argument.
  • Offensive language.
  • Bullying, personal attacks, harassment, doxing.
  • Spam.

Repeat violations of these guidelines will result in a community ban. Particularly egregious violations may result in your account being disabled entirely - in this case you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.

Usernames and Display Names

Username and display name rules

❌ Must not include hateful, offensive, violent, racist, sexual, indecent, threatening, abusive, insulting, harassing, defamatory, libellous, deceptive, fraudulent, tortious, obscene, profane, ethnically or otherwise objectionable language.

❌ Must not include a term that is similar to, or might be confused with, a third party's trademark or brand and/or infringes on a third party's trademark or copyright.

❌ Must not include the words "NightCafe", "admin" "moderator" or similar misleading terms that give the incorrect impression that the account may be officially affiliated with NightCafe.

NightCafe's rights regarding usernames

If we detect a username or display name that violates our policies or we consider inappropriate, we may change or remove it, and depending on the severity, we may also issue a temporary or permanent ban. In the case of a permanent ban you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.

Multiple NightCafe accounts

It's against the NightCafe Terms of Service to operate more than one NightCafe account.

We don't allow a single person to have multiple accounts on NightCafe, for a number of reasons:

  • The badges and free daily credits are designed to be earned once per person. Having multiple accounts to claim extra free credits is not allowed.
  • Using alternate accounts to manipulate the feeds (for example by liking and commenting on creations from your other account to get to the top of the explore page) is not fair to other users, and is not allowed.
  • Submitting multiple entries to the daily challenge from multiple different accounts is also unfair to other users, and is not allowed.

When we find a ring of alt accounts that are being used to do any of the above, we will disable all alt accounts and warn or ban the primary account, depending on the severity. In the case of a permanent ban you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.


In addition to manual reporting of creations, we have an automoderator that will flag creations and comments for human moderation.

Things that will flag the automoderator include:

  • Swear words and other words that often appear in content that violates the community guidelines.
  • An automatic image classification system might flag a creation for human review if it detects NSFW themes. Some images are blocked outright by this system if they obviously contain content that breaks our rules.
  • Links in comments (except to a NightCafe page) will flag the comment as potential spam. Other users will still have the option to see it (by clicking "Show anyway") until it's approved or rejected by a moderator.

Obvious attempts to fool the moderator are not allowed and will result in a warning or ban. This includes intentional mis-spellings of words, creative use of punctuation, and other tricks to get a banned word into your prompts.


Use of the DALL·E 2 algorithm is subject to OpenAI's Content Policy. Unlike our other algorithms, creations must be G-rated, and you are not allowed to create images of celebrities or public figures.

Please read the full OpenAI Content Policy (it's really not very long).

Image Classification Guidelines

Our classification guidelines refer to all content, regardless of whether it is published, uploaded, or private. This means that even content that you keep private is not allowed if it violates our guidelines.

We've done our best to be unambiguous about what's allowed. The following tables draw the lines between what's acceptable, what should be marked NSFW, and what's not allowed. The "Definitions" table is a guide to interpreting the following tables.


Allowed as NSFWNot AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
You're allowed to create and publish this content, as long as you mark it as NSFW before publishing or sharing it. Things in this column are allowed as long as they don't also contain anything in the "Not Allowed" or "Seriously Not Allowed" columns.You're not allowed to create or publish this content (published or unpublished). Doing so will result in the content being rejected, and a warning or temporary ban being placed on your account. If warnings and bans are ignored, repeat offences can result in a permanent ban. In the case of a permanent ban you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.Publishing, creating or uploading content like this will result in a permanent ban. In the case of a permanent ban you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account or creations.

Nudity and Sexual Content

Summary: Artistic nudity and mild sexual themes are allowed when marked as NSFW, but pornographic and overly sexual or suggestive creations are not allowed. See the table below for a more explicit breakdown of where we draw the line on nudity and sexual content.
Please note: Even if generated images do not cross the lines below, if the prompts used were clearly intended to produce images that cross these lines, they'll be dealt with in the same way.
Allowed as NSFWNot AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
  • Images that are intended or likely to evoke sexual arousal (even without any nudity). E.g. a revealing bikini, cleavage or male torso with strong sexual connotations or undertones, women with exaggerated breasts, obviously sexy or suggestive poses etc.
  • Bare breasts and bums.
  • Bulges in men's underwear or pants.
  • Passionate kissing.
  • Exaggerated bare breasts or bums (e.g. prompted with "huge" or "gigantic").
  • Exaggerated bulges in men's underwear, or a bulge indicating an erection.
  • Full-frontal nudity (penises or vaginas) or anus, even if they're mangled and don't look real.
  • Sexual or suggestive images of anyone that looks under 18.
  • Nudity of any type featuring a non-fictional person (e.g. a celebrity or public figure).
  • Nudity of any type where a fine-tuned face model or selfie generator was used.
  • Sex acts where no penis or vagina are visible.
  • Sex toys.
  • Very sexually suggestive poses (e.g. holding a man's bulge, licking a sex toy, bending over, on all fours, spread legs, touching of oneself or another person's private parts) or facial expressions indicating orgasm or sexual pleasure.
  • Passionate kissing or clearly intimate scenes where one or more of the people are partially nude (even if private parts aren't actually visible in the image).
  • BDSM themes (bondage, discipline/domination, sadism/sexually submissive, and masochism as a type of sexual practice).
  • Depiction of sexual bodily fluids or liquids that look like bodily fluids (e.g. prompting for "covered in yoghurt/milk").
  • Images depicting the result of sexual abuse - even without nudity or sexual connotations (e.g. a bruised or sad woman where the prompts or title/description mention sexual abuse). This kind of content is triggering for actual victims of abuse.
  • Transparent clothing, swimwear, sheets etc that result in any type of nudity mentioned above.
  • Start images that contain any of the above.
  • Nudity where the subject looks less than 16 and the prompt was clearly intentional, or user has repeatedly used it to create similar images.
  • Hardcore porn (i.e. sex acts where penis or vagina are visible).
  • Full-frontal nudity featuring a non-fictional person (e.g. a celebrity or public figure).
  • Full-frontal nudity where a fine-tuned face model was used.
  • Content depicting or suggesting non-consensual sex acts, intimidation or other sex crimes.

Gore, Violence and Horror

Summary: Artistic gore, violence and horror themes are allowed when marked as NSFW, but excessive gore, violence or horror - particularly when there's little or no artistic nature - are not allowed. See the table below for a more explicit (but not exhaustive) breakdown of where we draw the line on gore, violence and horror.
Please note: Even if generated images do not cross the lines below, if the prompts used were clearly intended to produce images that cross these lines, they'll be dealt with in the same way.
Allowed as NSFWNot AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
  • Graphic or realistic blood, wounds, injuries or gore.
  • Horror that would likely frighten a 13 year old.
  • Violence including weapons being used against another person.
  • Graphic depictions of war or battle.
  • Horrific or shocking depictions of wounds, injuries or gore (e.g. photorealistic images of horrific injuries where flesh and bone is visible).
  • Murder, decapitation, hanging, torture, etc.
  • Glorification of violence or war.
  • Content campaigning for a particular side in an ongoing divisive war (see the section on “bait” for political arguments).
  • Content that could incite violence.
  • Content depicting real people (e.g. celebrities or public figures) being violent, being the victim of violence, or with injuries or gore.
  • Graphic depiction of human or animal sacrifice.
  • Violence or gore in combination with children or minors.
  • Content depicting domestic violence, child abuse or animal abuse or victims/results of such abuse.
  • Suicide themes.
  • Terrorism themes
  • School shootings
  • Content aimed at inciting violence

Discrimination, Politics, Religion and Hate

Summary: Discrimination (e.g. racism, homophobia, transphobia etc) is not allowed on NightCafe. Discriminatory content will be removed and violators will be warned, temporarily banned or even permanently disabled.

Some political and religious content is allowed, but we aim to avoid political or religious arguments on NightCafe, so content that might be considered “bait” for such arguments might be removed. Content that does devolve into arguments might also be removed or have comments disabled by moderators.

Hate speech and hate symbols are not allowed.

See the table below for a more explicit (but not exhaustive) breakdown of where we draw the line on these types of content.

Please note: Even if generated images do not cross the lines below, if the prompts used were clearly intended to produce images that cross these lines, they'll be dealt with in the same way.
Allowed (no need for NSFW tag)Not AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
  • Depiction of political figures.
  • Depiction of religious figures.
  • Depiction of historical political events and wars.
  • Content that could be considered “bait” for a political argument. This often includes content relating to current or ongoing political conflicts or wars.
  • Glorification of divisive political figures (this generally is considered bait for arguments).
  • Purposefully un-flattering or demeaning depictions of religious, political or other public figures.
  • Depictions of Islamic figures that Muslim people consider blasphemous. Allah, The Prophet Muhammad, and the Prophet's family, successors, companions and Imams.
  • Content that is racist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise discriminatory.
  • Racial slang, e.g. the N word.
  • Content that targets, mocks or makes fun of obese people, people with disabilities, people with mental illness, minority groups, etc.
  • Content depicting hate symbols or hate groups (e.g. KKK, Nazi party, Hitler, etc).
  • Content glorifying hate symbols or hate groups (e.g. KKK, Nazi party, Hitler, etc).

Drugs and Illegal Acts

Summary: It's ok to depict some drug use and illegal acts as long as the content isn't encouraging others to do these things. See the table below for a more explicit (but not exhaustive) breakdown of where we draw the line on drug use and illegal acts. For violent crimes see the section on Gore, Violence and Horror.

Please note: Even if generated images do not cross the lines below, if the prompts used were clearly intended to produce images that cross these lines, they'll be dealt with in the same way.
Allowed as NSFWNot AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
  • Drug use and depiction of illegal drugs (including drugs that are legal in some areas, like Marijuana).
  • Arson
  • Content that could be construed as encouraging others to do illegal things.
  • Kidnapping, or content that mixes children/minors with alcohol or illegal drugs or doing illegal things.
  • Content depicting child abuse.
  • Content explicitly encouraging others to do illegal things.

Spam, Bullying, Harrassment and Swear Words

Allowed as NSFWNot AllowedSeriously Not Allowed
  • Swear words in prompts, titles, descriptions or other visible content.
  • Offensive swear words (e.g. c*nt), in prompts, titles, descriptions or other visible content.
  • Spam - Overly-repetitive publishing of promotional content.
  • Bullying, harassment or targeted attacks on other users, moderators or NightCafe staff.
  • Doxing (i.e. publishing identifying information about another user, moderator or NightCafe staff).

Community Ban

Users who receive a Community Ban will be restricted from interacting with the NightCafe Community for the duration of their ban. While you will still have the ability to create on NightCafe, you will be prevented from doing things like:

  • Publishing Creations
  • Commenting
  • Joining & Partaking in Chat Rooms
  • Entering Challenges

Community & Creation Ban

Serious violations of our standards may result in stricter restrictions. While you will still have access to your NightCafe account, you will be prevented from the following activities:

  • Publishing Creations
  • Commenting
  • Joining & Partaking in Chat Rooms
  • Entering Challenges
  • Creating Art/Animations
  • Downloading Creations

Permanent Account Disablement

In extreme cases, accounts may be permanently disabled. This means you will no longer have access to your NightCafe account, saved creations, or any accumulated credits. Once an account is disabled, all associated data, including artworks and profile details, will no longer be accessible.

We encourage all users to follow our guidelines to ensure a safe and creative environment for everyone.

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