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Created 4 months ago · 246 comments· 0 likes
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For quite some time, when see one of your images, I usually have been correct when I think, "That's Nikko's!" Your images are beautiful, creative, and generally awesome. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much Fuzz for your wonderful comment! Took me months to make something unique and so glad peopel can recognize
Φίλε μου θυμίζει τους πίνακες δεκαετία 80-90, ήταν στην μόδα τότε, με πολύ πιο εντυπωσιακό φεγγάρι φυσικά,
Κύκλους κάνουμε φίλε μου
I am inspired by all of your works of art, Thank you for all you share.
Alright, I’m convinced—your art must have been crafted by wizards! 🪄✨ Incredible work! If you ever feel like visiting, my gallery could use a little magic too. 😉
After some practice you'll be great. Took me so long but from the first moment tried to be unique and not try to do what others do. So step by step built my own style. It's a great world
You really are a master at this! I couldn't do anything near this if I tried!
Very cool! I'll keep going!
Seems like it's inspired by the street spray painters in Manhattan. Superb.
This one goes on mah dinin’r wall … behind the visitor, that way ah can see them romanticesquely 🙀while eating😬
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Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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