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Created 6 months ago · 165 comments· 0 likes
Juggernaut v9 Lightning
This is a come back to my work from a while ago, that one one was funnier 😉
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At least tigers are good swimmers and they catch their own fish, my little ginger is a clever thief.😉
I'm certainly not going to tell your gorgeous ginger he can't!
hmm the real background caught me by surprise. But love the cat with the fish reminds me of that story of the cat with the leaf that could be an urban legend.
I didn't knew that one, thank you for telling me, I just googled it, what a smart kitty! And while looking for it I also found a video of a leaf collector ca. 😄
Paying with the leaf, right? I think there's a penguin in Japan that used to go to the market too! 🤣
So adorable! And I had no idea that it was Ginger Cat Appreciation Day today!!! Thank you for that, and my Lil ' Maxie thanks you also, because he's going to get a special treat today in celebration! 🎈🎉🎈🎉
That's so cool! 😊 All the best to you and Lil ' Maxie!
Thank you so much!!! Maxie thanks you too! 😸😸😸
Cats are great at observing our behaviors and using that knowledge. 😊
Dinner...now where to eat it at. Nice work. Brings me a smile.
I'm pretty sure this genteel ginger will turn into the other (funnier) ginger once the fishmonger realizes there's a sneak thief on the loose! (Both are great creations, BTW!)
I have wondered often, If cats hate water so much, how do they know to like fish?
This brave cat shows us that even the smallest victories are worth celebrating. The big eyes and proud stance remind us how important it is to be proud of our achievements, big or small! 🐾🌟
Oh, how great - there is an internet site about Ginger Cat Appreciation Day! They even give you tips on how to celebrate this important holiday in the best possible way:
"Ginger Cat Appreciation Day is best celebrated by spending time with that favorite four footed feline friend!"
So - thank you very much, Misotisa! You have created so many amazing and heartwarming images. Or to put it another way, your imagination has inspired the AI to perform at its best.
Thanks so much i shall check that out in more detail tomorrow (bookmarked!) Though i was really amused by Februarys week long festival of drinking your wine with a cat week! 😁💜🙏
clink clink! 😁
You got me curious about other Cat days 😉 I found this: https://www.cattipper.com/cat-holidays-special-observances ↗️
It's not just a day? It's week long, haha, I love it! 😅
Come on, I'll bring you back to the water, to your freedom.
MisotisaMayfair has hidden the prompt
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