Easily generate your own Night Train images with our free AI image generator. Flexible and easy to use.
Created 4 months ago · 246 comments· 0 likes
Juggernaut v9 Lightning
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Wow, just wow. I am totally stealing this for my western RPG, not to publish or anything, just for my players. It is beautiful.
Wow, didn’t realize theft of AI images was such an issue. I hadn’t even Downloaded it yet, so I won’t . I’m creating a bunch of my own images for my campaign and for the TTRPG I’m working on, but your steam engine was definitely the inspiration.
You know... the whole internet is full of my images. Everyone just take an image and use it without permission. I've found my images taken and be in websites for sale. Isn't it crazy? Really appreciate that you tell me you are stealing this and not publish anywhere else, but I'd prefer to have being asked for it first so as the creator that spent hours to create this... at least have the option to choose... Hope you understand this.
P.s. yes use it but please don't publish anywhere else. Hope that your players do the same...
Welcome, Nikko. Best Regards from Prague!!! 💋
Looks absolutely believable. I have travelled in trains powered by steam engines. The charm was completely different. Thank you
Thank you so much. I'd love to travel with a steam train! Love them so much
stunning magic express dear friend!! Hope you have a beautiful sunday!!!
Amazing, your creations are amazing one by one, how do you create a style like this picture, I have tried several times to create something in this style without success, I would appreciate it if you could teach me
Thank you very much
Thank you so much my friend. If you see my images in my early days you're gonna laugh. All this came after almost 500 days in NC. I have to say you what I say to all people asking the how to. Start reading for real artists and techniques. Search the internet. SOme artists are good in watercolour, others in cinematic styles, etc. Start combining them in the most crazy way and you'll be surprised. Also.. find your style! Be you and not someone else. That's what I did from the first day. All my prompts are built from zero and are soooo complicated. This one is 4 prompts with different weights. Made over 50 to keep this one. Most of them was instant deletes. Bad train, bad rails, no rails, double, triple moons etc. You see this one and say WoW but took me over 2 hours to make it. So there is not easy way. Need so much practicing and a lot of time to get here. NC has become my main hobby so I spent hours per day and always try to be unique. 😉
All my prompts are built from zero and are soooo complicated. This one is 4 prompts with different weights. Made over 50 to keep this one. Most of them was instant deletes. Bad train, bad rails, no rails, double, triple moons etc. You see this one and say WoW but took me over 2 hours to make it so I can't open the prompt. Hope you understand
Wow, Niko this is epic!!!! A real masterpiece!!!! I love it 😍😍😍😍
You're welcome
Indeed! 👌😊
congrats Nikko for your daily 10%! wonderful creation, excellent work my Friend
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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Very good one 🙌