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Created 5 months ago · 453 comments· 0 likes
Juggernaut v9
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Lovely piece! It's a wonderful choice of concept and a stunning level of detail. Congratulations!
Great creation!! You should try your skills at a cool hybrid creation for this challenge!!
I’m so happy for you! I knew you could do it! 😀💕
This is so wonderful! Congrats! If I’d seen it when I voted, I would have scored it highest! Wonderful work!!
Beautiful carved sculpture very detailed congratulations
Congrats! this is amazing, the texture is so accurate!
Congrats, very beautiful. I wish i was good enough to carve that out of a piece of wood.
Much deserved winner! Amazing artwork! Kudos & congratulations! ❣️
You’re welcome
♥Love it, Such an amazing beautiful artwork ♥•♥ ○◘Congratulations◘○
You are most welcome
Congrats! Wood carved statues are easy to do with AI! This is a nice design.
Congratulations! Following you. This is very detailed.
Beautiful work . Congratulations on your win 👏 Definitely a gorgeous piece 👏👏💓💓
رسول اللہ ﷺ نے ارشاد فرمایا جب تین آدمی ہوں تو دو آدمی ایک کو چھوڑ کو آپس میں سرگوشی نہ کریں۔ ( اس پر ایک تصویر چاہیے
Pleasure your work is fantastic 👌
Absolutely magnificent! If I saw one of these at a craft fair or in a store, I would buy it for my wife in a heartbeat!
Wow... Breathtaking detail. You have a master's touch creating prompts. Following.
Juliana Asteria has hidden the prompt
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