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Wow, a sad reality for some and what motivates others What an excellent and thought provoking piece, bravo!! 🔥👊
Ooph... This hurts because I feel it. Great piece.
I think you left out a jar right between her legs called cocaine. That is the dream destroyer especially when she is that beautiful.
Wow, this piece is incredible, I love how she is in neither dreams or reality. Very sobering and though-provoking for me especially. Fantastic work!
Wow , such a moving piece of work , touches the mind and soul , brilliant 👌🏼
Boris is utterly amazed by the sheer brilliance and flair of this masterpiece creation. Boris also says, this creation has surpassed even Boris's lofty expectations. Therefore, Boris is proud to bestow upon this creation a dazzling 9.85 Bear Claws out of a possible 10.0 Bear Claws. Congratulations! (No bears (real, mythical, or metaphorical) were harmed in the creation of these awards. However, a substantial number of electrons were very upset by the whole process and will need years of therapy.)
A superb representation of life, especially in the confrontation between dreams and reality. I must emphasize, given my advanced age, that I can assure you fully lived reality can sometimes be greater than fantasized dreams. Bravo for your work
This is so cool! It would be a great entry for my challenge if your interested (uploads are allowed for my challenge):
Beautiful and emotional. Maybe this feeling wouldn't have to be if we poured them all in the same jar. If we were brave enough to let the heavy and harsh mix with the magical and shiny. I bet the love and light would shape and polish the sharp and dull, all would ease and brighten up. Maybe? 🌸❤️✨
Other than the weird arms, it reall captures the essence of the difference.
Fabulous depiction of concept. Life can be so tough when you have an arm with a hand on both ends, and a joined arm... What is one to do but to contemplate ✨"Dreams"✨ & ⚡"Reality"⚡.
wow! totally utterly speechless at the detailism and graphic poignant reality. This is like my graphic, theatrical story telling as a song artist and story teller. Would love to use this in a song with your permission and collab with you on my album that is literally GOING TO DROP FOLKS MOUTHS TO THE FLOOR! matter fact can you create that EXACT IMAGE OF PEOPLES MOUTH DROPPING SO FAR DOWN LIKE OFF OF ROOF TOP BUILDINGS AND OTHER PLACES>>>Because they are totally shocked at what their listening to sonically and lyrically. Big ups for designing and sharing..., THIS IS ICE COLD BREATH TAKING!
Omg🩷🩷🩷 I love this so much, it has sooo good thought and omg it’s just great, love your artwork bro 👊
OH , I Love this Idea ... I've 1st thought of Creating something like this !!
So many seem like this but it is truly Not who they are at their core...
Awesome work everyone! 👏 Thank you for your participation! 🤗 ✨ Daily No Theme ✨ @MorkAIart
Thank you for sharing your creativity and voting if you had time to do so. I hope you enjoyed taking part and being able to show your most recent images to others. I hope you will be adventurous and join in with the new Shells challenge, shown in the link below ♥💕❤
Thanks for your support and again, look forward to seeing your artwork soon!!
Thanks to everyone (all 1364 of you) for your participation in this “legendary” Feminine Portraits & Artwork challenge in The Femmenomenal Chat. So many unique styles, so much feminine beauty, and I applaud all of your wonderful displays of individual talent and eye for feminine character. We certainly hope that all of you had as much fun and enjoyment with us here and enjoyed each other’s images during voting. We greatly appreciate you joining us and helping to grow this little community of ours. We’d love to invite you all back with us when we start an all new challenge, beginning momentarily.
Results, for those interested
Every piece of artwork in your gallery is masterful‼️🤠‼️
Très belle image et très profonde. J'aime beaucoup. Tout autant tes autres créas qui sont toutes aussi sublime les unes et les autres..
This creation was not made on NightCafe.
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very nice