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Beautiful creation. Gorgeous image from a great idea. The lighting is lovely. Following you.
So cool! You can drink the ocean now ;-)
Ok I see you have hidden your prompts, but I was trying like crazy to get an object inside another object like this the other day (spent about 50 credits trying!). And failed. Any hints?
if you need help with prompts for getting creations like this i can help you. just tag me on one of my creations and i can guide you through it.
or you can tag me on one of your creations. its all about how you word it and the order you word it.
OK, will do when I get a day free, many thanks! Just new to this and really would like to learn how to do things properly! :)
The French have this expression: "Une tempête dans un verre d'eau", perfectly demonstrated here. Kudos!
wonderful, althoug may be not more than a storm in a cup of drink 😸
This would look interesting if you had a surfer riding the wave in the glass. Nice image, and one that has some beautifully selected colours.
Cool image.
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"Tonic WaVe" magical majestical inna cup.....🌞
Eine Meereswelle im Glas , coole Fantasie. Sonnenaufgang im Hintergrund. Stelle ich mir gerade vor wie ich am Strand sitze und das Meeresrauschen höre.
may I ask
you named yours cimut
in English it means upset
what does it mean for the bunny and the ladybug?
i'm indonesian. cimut is short word from kelinCi iMut (kelinci is bunny and imut is cute= cute bunny). this myreal bunny name. indonesian people very like use short word for everything.
cute bunny
thank you so much for explaining
I lived in Taiwan for a year and had a lot of good friends from Indonesia
1ms4k has hidden the prompt
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