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Created 2 years ago · 9 comments· 0 likes
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once in a while we gasp when the image comes up. I bet you did with this one!
Indeed! Nightcafe is like playing the slot machines - you never know what you're going to get (well, I think w/ practice you get a general idea) and the tantalizing jackpot keeps you coming back! LOL.
I Thought no one can sell my creation, but at the bottom of the pages it says you can buy wall prints or t-shirts. Is that true? Are they selling my images and I don't get anything? please if you could enlighten me. I'm just ten days into this and am trying to choose a POD platform. Which one do you use?
I’m no expert, but I believe that the buy wall prints, etc. option is only for your creations, no one else can do that. However, others can evolve your creation or copy your prompts unless you edit the settings of your published creations. There’s an option under “edit” (a clickable slide bar) to allow you to hide various aspects of your creation. I’m assuming you mean “print on demand?” If so, I use none but I use other AI generators; Mage Space is very good but it lacks the inpainting feature and robust social aspects of Night Café. Hope this was helpful.
I know images get tweaked and taken all the time. I guess it's an honor. You can't control it. Very helpful. Thank you so much!!! Yes, I'm narrowing it down. Square space looks good for a novice like me. I want one that will market for me even if they take a higher cut. Thanks again.
"Part lion part lizard creature stalking its prey in savannah, luminescent eyes, vibrant details, background mountains"
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