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Created 3 months ago · 215 comments· 0 likes
Juggernaut v9 Lightning
Ethereal Nighttime Landscape in Vibrant Watercolor
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"Magnifique création ! L'espace de création est rempli, et il y a de très jolis détails. Les couleurs sont belles, bien vu l'artiste."
A superbe composition and beautiful contrast congratulations 😍🥳
This artwork is beautiful! I love the style of your artwork and if you want to showcase more of it, feel free to join my game!
Excellent creation you have there, I gave you a follow
Show me what you've got! Join my challenge and submit your best creation. Let's see your skills in action! 🤗
It is as I won't be able to live if I don't go to visit. GREAT JOB!
I FOLLOW YOU. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Amazing creation! Following, please follow back!
This is even more amazing with my standard ChromaDepth 3D glasses. The stereoscopic optical illusions they reveal from the use of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet colors is impressive. With them, I can see the hidden stereoscopic optical illusions in your art. I get the strongest 3D effect by increasing my viewing distance and duration. The colors have a neon or glowing quality. Each color looks like they're on their own layer of glass!
This is a beautiful creation. Very interesting. I like it. Congratulations!
This is an insane amount of likes, but you totally deserve them. Congratulations on daily runner up! 😊👍
Vivi has hidden the prompt
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Captures the beauty of nature so wonderfully, Vivi! Congratulations on the Silver.