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Created 5 months ago · 280 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 10
Flux Schnell
Muchas gracias por votar. Significa mucho para mí que se aprecie mi arte, a menudo loco. Lo sigo de regreso. (4.14)
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Congratulations and well deserved!
Have a little something on top of that success and hopefully a wonderful week! 🦌🐺💚💙
Ok, well then! There should be no doubt this is the winner! Killer picture George! That’s incredible!!
Congratulations a beautiful scene inside the gourd, beautiful reflections on glass
Yay! So happy for you! 🥇Daily Winner! Let me know when you get Top Weekly, Top Monthly!!!!!!!!!!
☻WOOOW, Congratulations ☻• Love it ♥ Absolutely fantastic art work •♥•
Congratulations, following you! This is lovely.
Congratulations, following you. This is lovely.
amazing work friend, composition, colors, dof and resolution
Excellent work! Thank you everyone for participating in my Pumpkins challenge! We hope to see you again next time 😁
Magical. Very precisely rendered surreal concept, with the sharp and natural reflections on the surface of the glass pumpkin. And the appropriate measure of depth in the blurry background draws the viewer into the alluring glow of the glass pumpkin, as if it were Aladdin's lamp.
George Stanley has hidden the prompt
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congrats. lovely