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Google Imagen 3.0 Fast
"Si bien los Scrapbots fueron apreciados desde el principio, ya que transformaron la industria y la vida en las grandes ciudades para mejor, pronto se los dio por sentado y se los menospreció como simples esclavos mecanizados. Cuando se produjo el Gran Despertar y muchos autómatas adquirieron sensibilidad, muchos de los Scrapbots recordaron estos abusos del pasado".
"While Scrapbots were appreciated upon their initial inception, having transformed industry and life in the big cities for the better, they were soon taken for granted and looked down upon as nothing more than mechanized slaves. When the Great Awakening happened and many automata gained sentience, these past abuses were remembered in full by many of the Scrapbots".
-Unity corebook, p. 328-
A worn, slender automaton painted with bold brushstrokes, carrying a toolbox and wrench, with a blue fotorreceptor on its head, set against a high fantasy backdrop.
Created by The Dreamweaver on Jan 20, 2025 using the Google Imagen 3.0 Fast AI image generator model.
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"Painted with brush,hard strokes,slender automaton with a stylized design but rusted and worn out, with only a blue fotorreceptor on his head, carrying a toolbox and a big wrench, high fantasy"
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