Flux, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, Ideogram, RunwayML and more. Try it now for free!
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Oops hit your comment by accident @TronicLaine but love ❤️ your work too!!
You're welcome
To see amazing stereoscopic optical illusions, you'll need a pair of standard ChromaDepth 3D glasses. With them, red, orange, yellow are warm colors that are pulled to the foreground, causing them to look like they are floating off the image into real space. Green is a neutral middle ground color. Blue, indigo, violet are the cool colors that are pushed into the background. Those look like they are sunken into and below the image. It is common for the colors to look like they are glowing, have a neon quality, are each on their own layer of glass, have the additional illusion of shifting in line with our individual viewing angles. As every angle from 178 degrees left-to-right and top-to-bottom is the sweet spot, these passive 3D glasses are ideal for any size audience.
Welcome My dear Sloth!!!! 💞💞💞
Oh so lovely, almost looks like a painting from James Christensen
Just exploring around and saw this. I'm about to leave a comment and I see this is yours (should have known) Love it!!!
Apparently, you are really a poet of images! And the images are your poems and the best way for you to express yourself! nice and pretty! Nice and very beautiful image!
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Incredible Image. Very Nice.