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Congratulations on being #1 in the "DogDay🐶🐶!!!" challenge hosted by Rich Nanya 👍🏻
thank you all for playing!! stay tuned for the next challenge
if there are enough players you know there will be credits.
So invite your friends!!
signed Rich Nanya
Fantastic image - the upscale enhanced it beautifully. Isn't it lucky that his kibble is called "REST"?
🥰awe!!!! ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ Love this, Congrats on the well deserved first place! 😃👍🏼
A wonderful smile generator, Obi!
So natural and true
Deep, warm congratulations on being recongized as Gold in the Dog Day challenge!
Boris is utterly amazed by the sheer brilliance and flair of this masterpiece creation. Boris also says this creation has surpassed even Boris's lofty expectations. Therefore, Boris is proud to bestow upon this creation a dazzling 9.55 Bear Claws out of a possible 10.00 Bear Claws. Congratulations! (No bears (real, mythical, or metaphorical) were harmed in the creation of these awards. However, a substantial number of electrons were very upset by the whole process and will need years of therapy.)
Magnificent dog, with eyes full of tenderness. I love the humor and love that shine through in your work. Huge bravo!
Aawwww....Hope you're not too tired to eat, buddy! Great idea, big fun, nice execution. Great expression on his face!
Hi Obi, what a lovely idea and realistic and funny realization !! greetings from =>
Obi has hidden the prompt
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Congratulations !!!