Easily generate your own cute sleepy animal images with our free AI image generator
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the pose of the lion and the angle of view is magnificent, as is the rendering of the illustration! it's a thing of beauty, bravo!
Boris enjoys a good nature picture. But sometime, Boris finds one that goes far, far beyond just "nice". Boris has discovered that this is one such creation. Therefore, Boris has decided to award you the World Famous, Often Copied.. never matched, THE GOLDEN WOLF AWARD. Congratulations. If you feel like it, this would be a great time to do your Happy Dance!
A magnificent lion, sleeping so deeply that he crushes the grasses of the savannah beneath him. The colors are sublime, and the composition is masterfully conceived. Bravo!
Obi , oBi , obI ...this is so GOOD !!!!!! should be Copyrighted like most of your Creations ...
Hi Obi, Love this image, this one looks so good that I bet Temu would jump on this, I went through temu yesterday and saw some of your images, it is total BS that we can't stop. If you have photoshop or the like, you should add a watermark pattern, I know that takes away from the image, but it will stop them. Just trying to help...
Not always uploads, on a nice size imac, like 27", with a 5k retina screen, you can just take a screenshot and the resolution is good. Then maybe a quick upscale if needed, ready to print. I am in the graphics business, we hate things stolen from us....
A cheaper solution than Photoshop is CorelPaint
Good luck, and keep making your images, they are some of the best I have ever seen...
Obi has hidden the prompt
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