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Undying Loyalty
Undying Loyalty

Create Powerful Loyalty Imagery with AI

Easily create your own loyalty image with our free AI image generator, perfect for artists and designers.

a year ago

Undying Loyalty

Created a year ago · 1000 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸🤑💵 270

Juggernaut XL v7


None of this would’ve existed without inspiration from the master artist @TheFireElemental ❤️


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This was my personal top pick. Very heart rending! Beautiful artwork!

a yearReply

Oh wow this is awesome. I love how he's holding the roses. The rain and tombstone and loyal companion are all so beautifully rendered. This will slay in challenges, pun not entirely intended lol 😊💖🌹

This made me feel pretty sad, amazing work

Wonderful! 👍👍👍

My god, that is just so beautiful 💔

Omg, this is so sad and beautiful at the same time! 🧡💙😭

Beautiful and so touching! Well deserved win!

A dog's loyalty is unbridled, followed

This is beautiful. My mom just passed away, and she's buried on her farm. Her dog goes to visit her grave almost everyday. This really touched me. Amazing work.

I'm not crying your crying

Heartbreakingly sad & yet, so beautiful! Our furry companions are always here for us no matter what 🐶😻❣️

Wonderfull.. .Pls.go.through my profile too

OMGOSSSH YESS!!!! lets go Aetheria, I know how long 1k likes on a creation was a goal for you... and now you've smashed 3k!! congrats... on a completely different note, what a poignant and breathtaking creation ❤️

Awww, this is so sweet.

It is very sad but a realy good pictur

🪙 1

This image pierces my soul and is embedded in my heart. It’s so moving and precious. There is nothing as loyal and devoted as a dog’s love for its human companion. It endures even after death. This is the personification of that special love

Yeah. that is super sweet and sad at the same time. It is impressive to know that such stories of dogs going to the grave to their beloved master actually did happen! Great one ❤


Oh man this hits right in the feels. So much emotion


Unconditional Love... ! Great Work of Art and Compassion...

Amazing creation and stunning like counting 🥹

Touching and grounding, wonderful work

This needs to be out there for the masses. This is so incredibly touching. WOW

just gave you the like #2000!!! nice one


SOOOOO Breathtaking beautiful!!!

Such a sad, endearing creation! So nicely done!

This is super sad, but also incredible

Wow, amazing work and so emotional!

Downloaded this yesterday. Little misty. Following you

Wow. Heartbreaking but beautiful.

This literally makes me cry this is the most emotional picture i have ever seen

This literally makes me cry this is the most emotional picture i have ever seen

So sad, but so beautiful. True friendship is forever

Hands down the saddest thing I've ever seen. This solidly punched me in the feels. Very touching. <3

You take my Heart.. Wonderful ❤️

My dog wouldn't even stay for 5 minutes 😢

This is so sad and I love it

Absolutely incredible Aeth. Amazing and beautiful art as always ❤️

This is absolutely perfect!

Great subject matter and well executed

Shows that pure love...... congratulations for all the likes and I love this 🥺

Shows that pure love...... congratulations for all the likes and I love this 🥺

Wonderful artwork! So powerful ❤️

Beautiful Aetheria! 🎨🤌💕

Dogs are amazing.

Beautiful artwork 👏👏

Awe so heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time

That is one powerful image!

This is stunning 😍 They really are the best. Living everyday like it's their last. My pups are always happy to see me💗

Es ist aber auch echt fantastisch, weil man es nachfühlen kann.. 🐾🐾🐾🐾

If this was a black lab I would have stole it from you.. My son was buried 5 years ago on the 24th.. the day before he turned 39.. and his wife put his dog down shortly after that... this would have been perfect to post on his facebook page.

This is very beautiful and hearwarming 💕<3

Thats amazing , a little sad

Awwwe this one got me 🥹

So melancholy but so beautiful!

Reminds me of the Australian legend they made a movie out of "Red Dog"

Great pick ANy dog ownere understand this pic and th eloyalty is exudes

one of the best I have seen in these parts

Oh my gosh!!,Looking at this piece and all of your others-your skill is truly unprecedented. So many amazing works.i hope you’re very proud. Can’t wait to see more👏🪬


This actually brought tears to my eyes. Very powerful and detail imagery.

Ahh, my heart! Now I will go cry ;-; so beautiful and loving

Superbe et nostalgique, j'adore

I think u crossed the most liked pic on NC

Sad but... wonderful artwork!

so nice. can you check out my page?

This is the answear to all these people saying AI art is souless. A M A Z I N G

Wow very heart breaking and also beautiful well done for getting more than two thousand likes

So touching! Awesome

Love it, no more words needed. Great work 👏

Beautifule, extreamly sentimental. Grat job

Real heart breader... so sad and so beautiful and so true....

Really well done, love the rain effect

One of the most emotional and memorable I have seen. Superb work.

Amazing Work! Love it!

Best I have seen in a while

I love this so much

OMG, this is wonderful and very deep in the same time! Amazing creation!🤗❤️

Bravo... superb artwork..!! Salute..

This Is Truly Beautiful It Reminds Me Of The Hachiko Story With His Undying Loyalty For His Owner

This is one of the best pieces of artwork I have seen on this site so far. If my dog would do this I would be the happiest man in the world. I love him so much and I hope he feels the same way.

this made me cry, in a good way :D keep up the good work

An absolute masterpiece !

My favourite creation I have seen on NC.

Marvelous and Sad, Beautifull Thoo o---O

Wow, awesome..👏❤️

Love your version of the theme

Wow. Beautiful, heartbreaking, and emotional piece.

Beautifully heartbreaking! Exceptional work on the wet fur and the solemn atmosphere!

So wonderful 💖

This is a Beautiful Artwork! And a wonderful reminder to love your furry companions!

So sweet 💕


Great composition, awesome details. But my gosh! Why are you trying to break my heart?! 😭

Makes me almost cry, beautiful and made with love, that´s for sure!

très belle image de la vie

глибокий зміст у цій картині

Oh no 😭 Gorgeous creation though 🐶💜

When you die in hardcore mode

Very, very well done. I really feel the love and loyalty the dog has for his dead master.

This is so beautiful...👏👏👏

That is heart-breaking and breath-taking simultaneously. Stunning!

This one evokes emotion. I really love your work.

Sublime creation!

Beautiful. ❤️ But also 😭😭😭.

So sad, so pretty...

So touching 😢 ❤️ 😍 💖

Wonderful work, incredible! Wow👍

This just looks incredible. No words.

magnifique 🖤❣️🖤

Sweet, sad, yet beautiful! <3<3<3

emotionally captured moment. the time we have is longer than the time our dogs have. this is a spectacular piece of art.

This is very sad. But also, great texture on the wet dog.

Wow awesome work Aetheria very emotional!

I absolutely love this!!!

Very touching. 💖💖

Great work!!

This is heart rending and beautiful

Wow, emotional, stunning


🥹😭love ❤️

Beautiful and touching 😍❤️

This is just so beautiful!! 😍❤️😍

Eles são os únicos que ficam e que amam incondicionalmente.

I'm completely devastated. Masterful.🏆💔

This creation is so simpathetic and it makes me want to cry

Incredible. Congratulations for this awesome work. So moving!

See, this is a perfect blending of AI art and human creativity rendered into something with heart ❤️. One of my favorites for sure and proof what the human element adds to any true piece of art.

This shot into the stratosphere! Well done and well deserved. A touching tribute and a wonderfully rendered piece, Lingy. My jaw is on the floor!

I was working on my rain and people prompts, and this is how I wanted it to look... Absolutely stunning

really cool image

Beautiful and emotional. Following.

I am in love with this image... beautiful!

One of the most incredible creations I've seen here. So heart felt and touching!

Great work. Very touching.

Aww, fuck. I miss my angel....

Dogs Greece. They miss other pets(cats, ) etc. They miss family members. And would sit like that if they were sure. This kind of love is what you get Rescues, twice as much!

Awww Bless that poor pup's heart!

This is so sad yet so heartwarming at the same time😭

Dogs are to loyal for their own good. Love it


Awww, this is so touching & beautiful! Great work!

This is a good bit sad for sure, but at the same time it is very meaningful.

lovely work , touching

Aww.. that's heartbreaking:))

This breaks my heart

awww, heart touching!! 🩷🫶

Stunning and so sweet. Tragic really. I live art like this following

This is the most heartwarming image that I have seen here - amazing work

Sad, but beautifully done. I love the art style, it's so intricate and pretty

Despite all their differences Skippy had to admit, he was going to miss that old cat.

Amazing work. All but making me sad right before bed 😞 lol

wow I love the detail of the rain and the dog's wet fur, sends a quiver of sadness in my heart ❤️❤️❤️

I really like this, you seem to have alot of skill and innate talent. I appreciate an artist that writes out some story that adds to their work! Definitely following to see your future work! If you have time to hop over to my page and check out my art I would be forever grateful! Again you're doing an awesome job!

Well done ❤️

Hey only one like left! You got this!

im missed my lil bro sad

Sad and wonderful! Congratulations!

Beautiful creation and birthday wishes 💐

Happy birthday <3

Great Job 🖤 Followed 👍🏼. Visit me and take free to Look around 😊

Awesome , Excellent Creation

Beautiful, but very, very sad. Following!!!

So sad, but beautiful 🥹

Very nice picture, beautiful !!❤️

Oh, gosh! This is such a heart-touching picture!

I love it! Happy birthday 🎂

Top Monthly, Weekly, Daily and Hourly on the same day... Wow!

@TalCherie this is one of the best images i have seen since i joined, i am looking forward to seeing more like this😊

So saaad 😭😭😭

It’s beautiful but at the same time broke hearts 😭

Oh, this creation is really touching <3

😍So cute😭💝Love 😀 Great job👏🏼

This is so awesome and touching!

it touches my soul! a beautiful and very sad picture

Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Aww very beautiful

Loved it 😍🥺 poor dog 🌹

Happy Birthday! Congrats!

If I looked at this for a few minutes, I would sob, because dogs do love this deeply.

Most powerful image I have ever seen today in NC that I cried so hard before sending this, this is so beautiful 🖤🖤🖤🌹🌹🌹😭😭😭💔💔💔 I miss my departed beloved ones and pets.

La fidélité d'un animal envers son maître ou sa maîtresse est magnifique ! une création magnifique !

fishing for compiments?

Absolutely beautiful work!

This is really beautiful. It really touches the heart. Makes me feel emotional. What a lovely piece of art


Magnifique Bravo (il y a toujours un chat qui observe)

Wonderful! It is an image that touches the heart! ❤

So sad and beautiful!!!

When i liked the pic, it had around 250 likes and now its 1k + , wow just amazing... ❤😍

Happy birthday, Aetheria @TalCherie !

Congrats on Top Monthly on your 20th!

Simply stunning. We had a beautiful retriever like this boy - your creation brought a tear to my eye.

Wonderful and powerful image. The love and loyalty never ends 🥰Well done for capturing the emotion so well.

Very expressive 🥰

😊 Breathtaking

Beautiful creation!!!

Such a sad but beautiful piece of artwork - well done!

Very emotional piece 🥺, I can just imagine with my 4 legged baby, leaving him behind😢!! But this is a STUNNING creation, just wow ♥️♥️♥️

Beautiful, so moving! This one needs to be top of all time. Not the hand grenade. 😉

Speechless… This is what art should invoke. Great work!

Somber yet Beautiful, well done.


So many animals are sentient. Thanks for capturing this.

It's so beautiful yet so sad 😭

💔 Great impact!

You're creations breaking all The records.

Magnificent splendid,appearance, moving artwork

Very nice, but 😢😢😢

How do you get that many likes? It is absolutely stunning! Great work. Following!

Fantastic. This is a very powerful image.

I feel so bad for the dog 😢

I'm not crying. There's just something in my eye.

Wow this is so sad but such wonderful art!

This brings tear to my eyes. Beautifully sad.

sad and cute at the same time. maybe we should think about that more often.

❤️🎇👍 Great job. Followed

awesomely sad following!!!

this is so cute!!! i love it so so much

Intriguing image ! great artwork !

Sadness is just thousands of likes and hundreds of comments

Amazing emotional display with hardly any paws...uh flaws!

        1. wow. just wow. its incredible to see someone get so much attention in 2 days. and honestly im not suprised you could do it! liked and followed mate, hope you return the favor!

cute and sad at the same time

It really is true - a picture is worth a thousand words! Thank you for the open prompt. I will enjoy experimenting with this. <3

Absolutely struck a nerve.. Outstanding creation!

Wondering if you have checked out the top ‘all time’ page, you made it there with this picture. Congratulations!

Sad but beautiful, wonderful work

Wow- I like this again every single time I pass it. Amazing job!

so lovely but SOOO sad, great work

My heart just sunk 😢, good job it’s beautiful

amazing, but sad 😢

A sad but true marvel, destined at the owner's death...Ulp!

So heart wrenching. Amazing

Dogsgs, our superior souls will always will make tears come down

This is so beautiful one of grandmothers old dogs used to walk to her gave everyday till he passed

Touching and beautiful.

Right in my heart 💔it’s so full of soul. I love it!

Heart breaking devotion

Really Amazing!

Wow! So emotional!!

I hope this creation go to "Top all time". Personally don't like "Top" creations here xD xD


For me, it is the other way around. My lovely Golden Retriever passed away recently. I miss him.

This image would win first place in any challenge, it is perfect and emotional, everything is very well done from the atmosphere to feeling what the dog is feeling. Wonderful! Following.

Very nice! I'm following you now.

A perfect example of "A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words"

this made me cry. i love it!

As I wipe my tears, I click "love". 💖Beautiful image 💖, following

deep ..amazing art

What a touching piece of art well done

Thought I was following you but apparently not. Great work..

such a cute dog... so loyal. it is sooooo sad!!!

Well done, amazing creation!

Damn this is so sad but great artwork in the same time. Good job

This is very heart touching. What an outstanding image.

These points in time always bring big Hachikō tears to my eyes. I do the same for my furry ones that have left me..

Beautiful affirmation of loyalty

so nice, so beautiful, so sad. I loved it

Amazing 💖 Following

great... now I'm ugly crying... (beautiful work)

This is beyond amazing oh my goodness.


YESSSSS!!!!! OMG THIS IS SO GOODDDDD!!! I'm so happy for you, you deserve it!! 😍

Reminds me of my two old dogs.... well, congrats on the AI working for once!

This rips my heart out totally, its incredible.

emotionally moving thank you for sharing

It inspires a lot of tenderness, it's beautiful!

One meter butter on a single slice of bread. Good example of ultra-exaggeration. I can't believe how many people fall for that. Wrong planet!

The purpose of art is tell a story. Specialty a deep meaningful one. This one move me heart to bones. Because God could wake up us again as he promise. But in the Bible there is not even a mention of a single animal being rescue from death. And God love animals as much as us. He created...

The purpose of art is to tell stories. Specialty a meaningful ones. This one move me hearth to bones. Because God can wake up us from the death, but the Bible not have even one mention of an animal being rescue from death. And God love animals as we do. He create them with love... Maybe he can surprise us in the future. It could be...

Such a beautiful artwork! Following!

I'm impressed with you AI skills! Thanks for joining our community. I followed you. PROSPER IN 2024!

Yup. Puppers be like that! Cool

So beautiful and heartbreaking 💔 following!

love the emotion without any expression needed. beautiful

I don't have any word for this 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Beautiful portrayal of undying love, thank you for sharing it.

it's a super work - congrats

great image so meaningful


sad. In reality it is my belief that our animal friends and we shall be united forever in a brilliant wonderful afterlife. There is no death

Magnifique ❤️ We're in tune with your heart💫

This is one of the best pictures I've seen so far. It absolutely melts my heart.

Beautiful, deep, meaningful, great art style and everything, this is fantastic.

This is so beautiful and heartwarming, We all wish that we could have a loving and loyal Companion like this❤️❤️❤️

This is great work! <3

Aww... That is lovely and true to life ❤️ Very well done!

Masterpiece. You can feel the emotions behind the artwork.

What a friend he had

I think I speak for all when I say that this image deserves an award. The prompts must have been carefully though of and nice if not how else will this piece come about. This image reflects a lot of emotions honestly and I am not surprised to see how much likes it has. BRAVO!!!! Aetheria. This is awesome!!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

This speaks so many words

Csodálatos mű! Szomorú de csodálatos :) A kép, magáért beszél ! :) Elismerésem! Fantasztikus ! :)

Csodálatos mű! Szomorú de csodálatos :) A kép, magáért beszél ! :) Elismerésem! Fantasztikus ! :)

Creation Settings

Text Prompts

"A dog sits looking at a gravestone in the rain, his back facing us, over the shoulder shot, rainy gloomy atmosphere, carrying roses in its mouth, Hyperdetailed by Arthur Rackham, intricate details, textured, volumetric, vivid, Antoine Blanchard, vibrant colours, beautiful lighting, perfect composition"


"ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft"



Juggernaut XL v7

Juggernaut XL v7

Initial Resolution


Aspect Ratio




Overall Prompt Weight


Refiner Weight


Sampling method


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