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Created 2 months ago · 223 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 11
DALL-E 31.5xClarity 1.5x
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This vibrant underwater image features a determined calico cat swimming just below the surface, surrounded by colorful fish and a shimmering sunlit environment.
Created by adansito on Dec 31, 2024 using the DALL-E 3 AI image generator model.
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I made my own cat Toffee also go diving! 🤣 In real life he just naps and eats and complains that he's hungry but in AI world he goes on adventures!
This makes me wonder if a cat would dream about a sea of fish.
mine for sure would!!! 🤣 He would like to be able to press a key on laptop and have fish emerge from screen too. At least I'm guessing that's why he walks over the keyboard?
That's a clever kitty 🐈
perhaps your gato and mine can join forces 😸 thanks for another kittypic ! 💖 (much better than mine...)
Cool! :-) Hey, I'm inviting you to take a look at my creations too sometimes, so it won't be a one-way thing all the time... ;-)
I love this!! My kitties just fell in by accident--yours is on a mission! ("Here fishy, fishy!")
@adansito TY for the tip, my friend! May the new year bring you nothing but happiness!
A dynamic image. The cat looks as if it is making the plunge. Kudos, A!
🌷❤✨ SO ADORABLEE 💞 This is so cute! I love it! One of my absolute favorites on NightCafe!
Happy 😀 New Year. Thunderstorm Lighting you DON'T WANT BE IN NYC WOW
You make amazing pieces! Can’t wait to see what else you come up with. Keep up the good work 🌞🎨
Ich wünsche dir ein frohes neues Jahr 🍀🍀🍀 eine großartige Kreation 👍 hab vielen lieben Dank 🙏
Es espectacular un diseño muy creativo y muy bien logrado. Excelentes indicaciones para lograr un producto final de excelente calidad.
Excellent work! 😻🐠🐟 Thanks for keeping it open!
The bubbles add a lot of realism and the cat is extra extra extra adorable! 100% another wonderful picture, Adansito!
Bravo! Buenos nuevos ano 2025! 🫂
granddaughter says: cuuuute, I love it..... she's nine 🥰
A beautiful little catfisher😻 I am following you would love a follow back please
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The cat went hunting in the water. It is a bit against the nature of a cat. Brave. Wonderful.
This is so beautiful. I would love to see this precious kitten in motion...
Create a highly detailed underwater scene featuring a fluffy, calico cat actively swimming just below the water's surface. The cat has a determined yet adorable expression, with its fur flowing naturally in the water and air bubbles trailing behind. The surrounding environment includes small, colorful fish and a shimmering, sunlit surface above, with a few leaves and particles drifting through the water. The atmosphere should feel dynamic, vibrant, and slightly whimsical
"Create a highly detailed underwater scene featuring a fluffy, calico cat actively swimming just below the water's surface. The cat has a determined yet adorable expression, with its fur flowing naturally in the water and air bubbles trailing behind. The surrounding environment includes small, colorful fish and a shimmering, sunlit surface above, with a few leaves and particles drifting through the water. The atmosphere should feel dynamic, vibrant, and slightly whimsical"
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Swim kitty! Swim! You have to get those fish for dinner!