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I love roses!!!! It's really very beautiful, good job
[ps: I'm following you on this professional account too, I hope you don't mind]
Stunning ! Following ! Please also look at my eclectic collection... 😊😁👍
Thank you for participating in the Last Minute Daily Challenge Quick Check Challenge. I hope to see you here tomorrow, same time, same place and good luck in the DC. Pax
i love everything spooky and eerie , so it def is a compliment coming from me ^^
Sometimes I have a hard time finding an explanation why anyone would give this creation a less than maximum rating. I mean, tastes differ, but this is a marvelous piece of art, created with perfection regarding all voting criteria. So, why?
this is beautiful would you like to join this challenge it needs more players and it would be nice to see an entry from you💕 just make sure it matches the theme if you join ok
Mysterious. Provocative. Dreamy. Makes the viewer wonder what story the creator has in mind , but the fun is to craft our own version of the story. That’s the magic of art! Bravo…
And there are those who claim AI art isn't art. Well then, what would this be classified as? Excellent piece.
??-smoke shapes objects ?-formed entirely from smoke. ?-smoke twists and curls into unexpected shapes ?-captures the beauty of smoke
Thank you so much for participating in the Global Chat’s “💨☁️Smoke, Steam and Clouds ☁️ 💨” challenge. Please stay tuned for our next challenge “🤣🤨😂Funniest Fails 😂🤨🤣starting soon. Here is a link to the previous challenge
This is outstanding, great achievement. May I ask how a person possibly achieves so many Likes? I'm curious if maybe you share it on Inst and do the likes from IG transfer over to here?
Thanks! No - "likes" are all from Nightcafe. I have no idea how some particular piece goes viral, while others, which I really like, do not get much likes. Maybe sharing in chats, entering community challenges, and having more followers help. But it's still quite unpredictable.
Well congrats♡ and also kudos. So this simply went viral. Because I think it would be most difficult to get this number of likes simply by sharing in chats.;)
I'm just curious because people keep ask how this happens.
Thank you so much for the chat.♡
Thank you for joining my No Theme Challenge. Please join my new challenge 101 Dalmatians!
Thank you so so much for taking part, your creation is incredible!!
And thank you all who came back to vote!! We have an Absolute beautiful winner, congratulations @Mindful THE KB
Amazing entries everyone, well done to all who placed, the new one is up ready in this same room, please folks, let's see some new work, no entering same image over and over, I will reject them, you all have brand new amazing artwork, let's see it 😍😍😍😍
Results for this one are here if you wanna go show love to the winners and fellow creators
See you in the next one
I appreciate your participation in my Things Made of Smoke challenge, thank you. Wonderful entries, GJ you all! Congratulation to the winners! 🥳👏
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Incredible !!!