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Created 2 months ago · 299 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 30
Dreamshaper XL Lightning
Average rating: 3.58 out of 5.
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So stunningly beautiful, lovely caption as well ❤️
congrats Nikko! fantastic scene, in my favorites, well done my Friend
Congratulations friend! As always, you take us on a journey to the realm of dreams.✨
Thank you so much Morkai! I'm on a bad mood today. Had to express it...
Very amazing, I love it. I love the Little Prince, one of my fav. Well done my Friend!
Not in my mind... loneliness isn't bad,, per se, just pervasive. And this is a wonderful and hopeful image.... he might be alone, but he's contemplating the universe. IMHO, anyway! ✌️ 😊😊😊✌️
Agree, but I usually remember him when in bad mood like today 😉
I hope your bad mood goes away, and today and every day is beautiful and positive! 😊✌️😊
And, it is a beautiful expression of the pain and fear of loneliness.
🎊🎁🎁🎊🎁🎊🎁🎊🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🎁🥳🎆🥳🎁🥳🎁🥳🎆🥳🎆🎁😉🎆😉🎆😉🎆🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆💫🎆🎆🎉🎆🎉🎁🎉🎁🔥🎁🔥🎁😂🎁💫🎁🎁💫🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆Congrats ever so verry much my Dear Friend 😉,it's absolutely Marvelous, Beautifully colorfull and Beyond Detailed +spectacular , Love it 😌🥳🎆🥳🎆🔥🥳🔥🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎁🎁🥳🎁🥳🎁🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🥳🎆🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🥳🥳🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🔥🥳🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌🌌🥳🌌🥳🌌💫🌌🌌💫🌌💫🌌🎉🌌🎉🌌🎉🌌🎊🌌🎊🌌🌌🎊🌌🎊🎇🌌🎇🌌🎇🌌🎇🎁🎁🎇🎁🎇🎁🎇🎁🎇🎁🎁🌹🎁🎇
It's a Pleasure Always 😉
Super nice work, NP. I love the transparent crescent moon effect.
You created what so many have truly felt. Awesome! 💜💖❤️🩹
I remember the story of the little prince! I also remember the rose girl. ^^ beautiful piece too!
You're welcome 😀😉😁
Your work would make a magical storybook of adventure, exploration, mystery and love. I'm always taken away to a beautiful dream.
Thank you so much! That's what we do here! Building dreams! Right?
Πω πω!!!Να ξερεις οτι καποια στα κλεβω και τα ανεβαζω με το ονομα σου!!!
Eγω να συμφωνησω,αλλα πως εισαι σιγουρος οτι ηδη καποια ατομα απι δω μεσα δεν εχουν κλεψει ηδη την δουλεια σου? Αστα να πανε η κατασταση.Παντως αν θελεις μπορεις να μπεις και στο Deviant art. Εκει μπορεις να διαπραγματευτεις και να πουλησεις την δουλεια σου.Οσα και οτι εργα θελεις εσυ!!!Καλη σου μερα και συγνωμη αν σε αναστατωσα....
Καμία αναστάτωση. Ξέρω ήδη ότι έχουν πάρει από εδώ μέσα. Κερδίζουν καθημερινά challenges παίρνοντας εικόνες μου κ κάποιοι τις πουλούν αλλού. Δε θέλω να κερδίσω από αυτό. Το αγαπώ κ μου αρέσει. Αλλά το να κερδίζουν άλλοι από τη δουλειά μου είναι απλά τραγικό. Υπάρχουν εικόνες εδώ που μπορεί να μου παίρνει πάνω από ώρα για να τις φτιάξω
Αθηνά μου καλημέρα. Θα προτιμούσα να μην το κάνεις. Ήδη υπάρχουν σε σελίδες χωρίς την άδεια μου, μάλιστα κάποιοι τα πουλάνε. Έχω κάποια σχέδια για όλα αυτά οπότε θα σε παρακαλέσω να μην τα ανεβάζεις αλλού. Ελπίζω να καταλαβαίνεις. Καλή σου μέρα
Α οκ.Πιστευα οτι αφου βαζω το ονομα σου δεν θα υπαρχει προβλημα,το εχω κανει και με αλλους,γι αυτο...Ενταξει Νικο,δεν θα ξαναανεβασω!!!Καλη σου μερα🎉
Δυστυχώς ο κόσμος μας έχει γίνει τρελός. Όλα τα δημοφιλή κινέζικα και άλλα αντίστοιχα ψάχνουν εικόνες ΑΙ και τις βάζουν για πούλημα σε κούπες, κάδρα κ.α. Έχει πάρει μεγάλες διαστάσεις το θέμα κ δε μαζεύεται. Δυστυχώς όλη η δημοσιότητα έχει τίμημα. Εγώ δεν ανεβάζω τίποτα πουθενά αλλού γι' αυτό το λόγο. Μπορεί να κάνω μια έκθεση κάποια στιγμή κ είναι κρίμα κάτι που θα παρουσιάσω ως πρωτότυπο να υπάρχει σε χιλιάδες άλλες μεριές ως αντίγραφο. Σε ευχαριστώ
Aww, such an emotional beautiful piece, I feel his pain. Love the title, too 💕
It is a spectacular artwork..for me, solitude offers hope...the hope of finding one's soul...so, I don't see loneliness but fulfillment 🥰😊
I make little Prince from my early days here, When you see it from me, it means I'm not in my best mood....
dreamy and magic!!! Hope he won,t so long along! Have a nice evening my friend and take care of yourself!!!
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
I hope you feel better now, at least the bad mood didn't do any harm to your creativity 🤗💛
“All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Nikko, This is such a great scene. I don't know that I have ever wrote something to go along with one of your pieces. I hope you like this. The Little Prince sat alone on the jagged edge of a golden cliff, his small figure silhouetted against the crescent moon that bathed the otherworldly landscape in ethereal light. The stars above sparkled like scattered dreams, but they offered no answers, no companionship. He stared at the winding river below, its surface reflecting the glow of the celestial dome, a pathway that seemed to lead everywhere and nowhere all at once. His heart, though tender and vast, ached with the weight of solitude. Surrounded by beauty yet untouched by joy, he whispered into the cosmic silence, "Why is the universe so full, yet I feel so empty?" The heavens, ever watchful, offered no reply, leaving him to seek the meaning of connection in the quiet expanse.
This is so wonderful! Thank you so much taking your time to describe the scene in such a wonderful way. Love Little Prince and make images with him from my first days here... and it's always when I'm in bad mood. Bif thank you! Your comment made me smile! Have a wonderful day!
I'm glad you smiled. Thank you for providing wonderful art.
Thanks to our Clear Cut Winner @anyafoxx69 for Entering her Eagle-Fox Chimera (So maybe instead of a Griffin maybe we would call it a Friggin- FRIGGIN' Awesome!)
Back to Ranking. It was fun to have 5 split and another 2 shared 2nd places, but I think people want it to be more clearly decided than that. If not, and you liked today's results and want to keep voting tag me to let me know. Your friend in the confusion, 💛🐸 Robyngirl
Thx! Same for you! 😉
Thank you so much for taking part in our No Theme Week challenge. Henceforth, Herald a Hopeful, Harmonious, Heartening Happening:
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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The feeling of emptiness and loneliness has been captured so effectively in this, a beautiful piece of work Nikko