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Created 3 months ago · 214 comments· 0 likes
Dreamshaper XL Lightning
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Don't know how you create these stunning "golden" treasures time after time, Nikko. But I am glad you have such wonderful talent. Each one is a true feast for our eyes... and each one warms our hearts. TY 💙🌼
Und ich freue mich wenn ich deine Kreationen sehe 🙏
Gorgeous composition, lovely detail, and a beautiful play with the colour and light. Enjoy it as always, Nikko. Congrats on 🥈.
Thank you, your art is so lovely.
Η εικόνα είναι φοβερή αλλά έχω πάθει πλάκα με το πόσο τέλεια είναι τα δέντρα, από τα καλύτερα που έχω δει, οι ανθρώπινες φιγούρες είναι φοβερή λεπτομέρεια
Επίσης Νίκο, να είσαι καλά
Καλημέρα φίλε μου! Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ! Να έχεις ένα τέλειο Σαββατοκύριακο!
photos of the past. 2 Indonesian women, 35 years old, with natural beauty wearing tradisional Indonesian kebaya are busy cooking in the kitchen one of them grinds the spices and the other washes the vegetables. the setting is a quaint kitchen with booths and bamboo walls. there was sunlight coming in through the gaps in the bamboo wall.
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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