Easily create your own waterfront images with our free AI image generator, perfect for nostalgic scenes
Created a year ago · 395 comments· 0 likes·🪙 1
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This is an exceptional piece of work. Great detail, lovely composition and the colours really pop! Following.
Thank you so much for your kind comment. Wish you a beautiful weekend
Gorgeous work! Such a peaceful vibe...but it looks like the ship took out part of the dock. Oops! Too much rum? lol Great job.
Thank you so much dear friend for your constant support and kind words. Really appreciate it. Wish you a beautiful weekend ❤️
Beautiful color and depth. Absolutely mesmerizing scene, congrats!!
How in the world do you keep up with the public relations when you get awards like this. The volume of replies is out of this world! 😲
Ha Ha It has been worse. I cannot leave without answer a message of appreciation! I need to say a thank you to all people that stop and wrote a kind word here like you! 😉
I know what you mean. A good man, y'are me friend. It's that conscience, like Jimminy Cricket, nagging at you. I feel it too LOL
No... vivid and illuminating words in prompt! ..but really plenty of them! 😉
First time I really made a connection between AGs and AI Art Prompt text boxes.
Now I understood... Monkey Island? Old school vibes... you've send me years back!
Yeah I'm an old school AGer
Thank you so much my friend! Ships rule 😄 Wish you a beautiful day!
Very beautiful 😍, much congratulations my friend from the depths of my heart 🎆🎇🪅🏆🎊
You're welcome 😊
Congratulations very beautiful colors and detailled ship
Hey Nikko oh creative one you must be more than happy ..I have to say this is rather special..I love it❤️.. Just shows you what can be done with a vivid imagination,the alchemy of words fused into a prompt..and a desire to make truly wonderful images...⚡⚡💥❤️.Bravo! Bravo! Drum roll, fanfare... W💥W! High fives and a standing ovation! Is that to much a celebration..You've truly captured the hearts and souls of the Nightcafe community with your superb. Old Dock image ⚡⚡⚡💥 It's no small feat, I assure you. 🎵🎵🎵🍾🍾 When you gracefully float down from cloud nine, I would love you to come visit my gallery for a wonder. I promise it'll be anything but a wasted trip. And, oh, I can't wait to unveil my uniquely oh so cute Thursday entry. 🌈🙏🌹
Looks so beautiful with it being polished and well lit.a superb creation and congrats 🎉🎇
you're welcome, i like your work
Wow! I love the colors, details, and swirling background on this one!
Thank you for playing my NO THEME CHALLENGE ! xoxo from : Meow-tactic KIA
Your moon lit marine harbor definitely deserves to be in the top echelon of NIghtCafe!
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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Realy impressive 👏 good luck 🍀