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Created 7 months ago · 492 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 28
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Very creative, and such a great transition into the double exposure!🧡🤩
Aww thank you so much! I felt like trying some new things and that one was one of my favs!
Keep them coming! 💖
Congratulations! Thank you for not hiding your prompts. That's how I learn what works better. That makes you a real winner in my book!
Well I always hope it helps people figure this out. When I started making ai art having creators like adanisto or Quiet Volcano with open prompts helped me so so much
Another magical artwork, congratulations Gazelli!! 🤩🪄✨💫
Thank you for participating in my 💥 NO THEME #14 💥 with your wonderful entry shd coming back to vote.
Congratulations to all the winners.
I'm hosting 💥 NO THEME #15 💥 will be really happy to see you all again my challenge.
Wow! It’s absolutely stunning! Super cool idea!😍
Thank you so much! I guess I felt like making a lot of colorful stuff lately haha
Thanks for sharing the prompt! Is beautiful. I hope one day rich this level of details in my paints in acrylics!
Oh my goodness!! I love absolutely 💯 ❤️ 💕 ♥️ 💓 everything about this ❤️ ♥️ 😍 💕 👌 🙌 Splendid!! Excellent!! Following!!!!
Congrats darling. This is quite simply a masterpiece. J’adore! 🌟💖🌟
This is truly gorgeous. The double exposure is perfectly done. Wow!
Stunning! 🤩🤩 Your creativity knows no bounds! I love how the depth of the image keeps changing! And those colors!!! Devastatingly fantastic, as usual, my dear!
And thank you so much! Also: I can't believe I wasn't following you, just rectified that 💕😭
It’s beautiful!! I love the textures, really fantastic image! 🥰🥰
Amazing creation, absolutely love how the indentation also serves as a river, and the colors are absolutely lovely 😍
Ich sagte ja auch scheint keine Grenzen zu haben! 😄 Aber jetzt mal ernsthaft wenn man bedenkt in wie vielen verschiedenen Themen du immer neue Ideen hast, denke ich können wir uns darauf einigen das man dich schon als sehr kreativ bezeichnen kann 😉
Das stimmt nicht, aber es ehrt mich, dass du sowas überhaupt denken würdests haha
I've painted on a palett, but not considering it as a canvas... Fantastic creation 😍
This takes my breath away - beautiful beyong measure. Wow 🌸🌸🌸
That is probably the best thing I have ever seen! Following
Many things going on there, its incredible beautiful. (Oh, and i like the Molen) That's windmill in my country 😁
So cool. I love this. One of the more beautiful uses of color and imagination, you really accomplished something beautiful. Great job, Following for sure.
One of the most beautiful creations I've seen on this platform since I've joined.... Soo perfect, dear 💗✨💗
Remarkable, cross over from artist's palette into the canvas itself. Super cool. Heck, I'm following now, keep 'em comin.
My God, this is just gorgeous... The textures, the colors, the concept... Simply love it
I tried the prompts like a million times they just don't look as fabulous as yours.
I do think it always takes a bit of luck when generating something with ai. Like a prompt can be good but you could generate it 20 times and it's mediocre and then suddenly you get one you really like.
Gazelli, this is the original and best one no matter how many copies are made! I admire your talent!
OH thank you! Not sure I would call it talent but it's very nice that people seem to like my silly ideas 😆❤❤
"hyperdetailed fantasy art of Close-up painter's palette with worn brush, its surface revealing a miniature impressionist landscape, tiny artists sketching between vibrant wildflower fields, a windmill's sails turning lazily along the palette's edge, intricate brushstroke patterns swirling through the mixed colors, pigment dust floating onto an easel in a sun-dappled meadow, distinct gritty texture, dramatic lighting, depth of field, beautiful complementary colors"
Hyperdetailed fantasy art of a close-up painter's palette with a worn brush. The surface reveals a miniature impressionist landscape, with tiny artists sketching amid vibrant wildflower fields. A windmill's sails turn lazily along the palette's edge, intricate brushstroke patterns swirling through the mixed colors, pigment dust floating onto an easel in a sun-dappled meadow. The image should reflect distinct gritty texture, dramatic lighting, depth of field and showcase beautiful complementary colors.
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Incredible! That would be the coolest way to sell paintings.