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Created 2 months ago · 526 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 39
Dreamshaper XL Lightning
My first suitcase.
Average rating: 3.84 out of 5.
29th / 5,873 entries
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Thank you for your kindness dear friend! So glad you like it and so much appreciated!
@Pious_and_delicate @grab-abbles @Raspberrygirl Check this out!! Isn't it GORGEOUS?!?!?! 😍😍
Congratulations my friend! I really love this, great idea of the seascape in the suitcase! And of course that moon seals the deal!!
Stunningly brilliant my friend, it’s breathtaking! Immense congratulations!
Welcome 😊
So awesome, Nikko! I just love the whole scene and concept. And the title is great, too! Thanks for sharing this great creation! 🌟🤩🌟
That is such a creative idea! love it
Damn! That’s cool! I don’t think I got to vote on that one!! Congratulations!
I really love a good suitcase image, and this is definitely one. Beautiful balance, symmetry, color! Dreamy for sure in keeping with the cool title! <3
Wow!! Absolutely gorgeous!! What a brilliant creation!! Congrats Nikko!! 🥰🤗🌸🌺💐👏👏✨✨🌹🌹🎊🎉🥳
How many suitcases do you have hiding all your masterpieces? 😍✨😆
I don't even know how you all get these...very cool looking...(I mean images within image sort of thing...very nice effect..)
It is indescribably beautiful. Wonderful clean colours and image. Congratulations Nikko!
Good Morning dear Nikko!
Very good, Nikko. The coloration is great, I like the blue of the sails against the moonlight. 👌👌👌
You can't imagine... But while trying made some new things. Made with Flux and evolved in dreamshaper
Incredible ! Could be as front image for any movie on Paramaunt...)) Nice!!
Glückwunsch, was für eine wunderbare und großartige Kreation, wow ♥️👍
Thank you so much dear Mairine... Had to make my first suitcase 😄 Have a wonderful day!
Marvelous suitcase magic colors👏 congratulations Nikko
Nice first suitcase. My first suitcase was my school bag. In my day, for some crazy reason, we took a case to school! And I'm not that old! Lol!
I remember this one too. My first school bag was from leather and could take it as backpack! 😃
Simply marvelous. This is awesome. It's pun intended and beautiful.
Thank you so much Sara! So glad you like it! My first suitcase! 😃 Had to give it a try.... a bit difficult
it,s very beautiful composition dear Nikko!!! Congratulations my friend! well deserved!!!
Thank you so much! my friend! You know I respct you so much as an artist so i feel honoured!
💫 Beautiful artwork!
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Excellent artwork and maravillous portrait! Congratulations, Nikko! 🍀
Beautiful! There is a miniature challenge - if you would like to participate:
One of the most impressive KI pictures I've seen! Thumbs up 👌👍👋 and not only two!
I can't post the prompt. This took me over an hour trying things. But to start with something try in flux or Google Image models: " beautiful boat in a stormy sea inside a suitcase ". add as many details you want. Needs time and it's so great when you manage to achieve something step by step!
that is so just it !!! and with Dreamshaper XL Lightning , an achievement indeed !!!
so cool in the genre but this one stands out ... for sure ... Nikko`s Style !!!
Never make this kind of stuff, you know, teacups, suitcases etc... I know that need pro models to have great results, so gave it a try with flux schnell. Not easy but at the end with tiny mods gave me a good result so evolved with dreamshaper to make it more painting than digital and so happy that you see it and say Nikko! Thanks my friend for feedback
You and a few others are so talented at this and making a normie like me look bad! lol. Awesome works! This is beautiful!
Need some time my friend... Step by step build your own style and all will come naturally. Don't fall in the trap trying to make what others do. Be yourself and in a while you'll be proud of your work 😉
This completely rocks! Great scene within a scene. Love the use of deep blue and contrast of moon and gold edging! All-around cool vibe! Congrats!
Μοναδική δημιουργία, περιττό να σου πω πόσο πολύ μου αρέσει, σκέτη μαγεία, πραγματικά σε ταξιδεύει. Μπράβο ρε φίλε!!!!!
Είπα να κάνω κι εγώ μια βαλίτσα 😄 Δυσκολεύτηκα ως non-pro αλλά βγήκε
Oh I love this piece of art, it is so calm and so much expectations in this image, can I travel or is it just a memory of a travel?Great Work, dear!
Stunning composition, but if you know anything about ships it is a very wierd image. There are two bows (two fronts of two boats, merged into one, with one mast, and they are all front sails. But the bigger front sail is on a boom as if it was a back sail. Two sails are catching wind to the left and one catching wind to the right.
Thank you so much for your detailed comment! Really appreciate it and agree!
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Give a photGive a photo about Bitcoin and Trump to be completely creative and newo about Bitcoin and Trump to be completely creative and new
Yes you can. But needs some practice. Practice not to make this but to find your own unique style, to build it step by step and the result makes YOU happy and then the others
congrats Nikko for your top ranking! fantastic scene inside a suitcase and great title, excellent wrok my Friend
Fantastic creation, great details :) I love the shining Moon and cloudy night!
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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