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Created a year ago · 253 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸 38
SDXL 1.04x
NC DALL-E 3 creation inpainted with SDXL 1.0. See my other Angel/Demon creations for the prompt. 🍹
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Exemplary work…and might i add, a perfect depiction of the inner conflict in many humans. Love this creation very much!
Awesome creation! So clean, so precise!! It could be a metal album cover so much!! ⚔️ Like Moonspell, Keep of Kalessin or Septic Flesh kind of band
Thank you! I mainly posted the other one so people could have a reference for the prompt as I had to do some inpainting on this creation🍹
Thanks for the tip!
By "inpainted" do you mean you just didn't do anything to the start image?
No, the original image had text in two places and a random addition over the demon’s wing. It took 3 rounds of masking and inpainting with SDXL 1.0 to get rid of them. I’ve posted the original on NC’s Discord server if you would like to look🍹
Thanks , I don't use discord. I can see a blob where you covered it in now though. Silly me! Thank you for explaining in detail!
Amazing work of art. Weldon! I'm willing to learn all the tricks you guys are using, I hope someone can assist me here?
The menacing look of devil is good artistic interpretation. However the adversary will come to you in the most tempting way. He is always looking to lure you with temptations. This picture underscores that. Great work!
Outstanding work 👏 Great depiction of the constant struggle between good and evil.
How do you have “open prompt gang” tagged but your prompt is closed
If you check the description, this creation was inpainted. So the prompt would be different than what made the original. The prompt that I used to make this can be found on my other Angel/Demon creation.
100% me. Well....maybe a little more devil just a bit... 0.0
This is absolutely perfect. No title necessary. But if it has to have one, that’s also spot on. And the style, so beautifully ornate and elegant and subtle. It’s a very powerful image, yet the art of it is very gentle and delicate. I’m in love with this. Thank you for sharing your work.
damn, that's fantastic!!! congrats!!! I admire that piece of art!!!
I admire your skill and creativity in bringing your vision to life.
I love this concept. The line down the middle bothers me, however... I think mostly because it suggests there is a distinct line between what we perceive and Good and Evil. I would love to see another version of this image ...doing away with the line and replacing it with each hand clasping a two-edged sword, as the sword traditionally represents Truth, as it is Biblically described in the Book of Ephesians. The texture of this image is nearly tactile in appearance and quite haunting Thanks for sharing
This is so cool! I wanna know the story behind the half-devil half-angel, that would be a really cool book!
This is beautiful! What do you use in the prompt to get that clear definition between the two characters? I have tried for a long time and I cannot make it happen, any tips?
Ok thank you!
Nah this is insane!!! One of my favourite creations I’ve seen. I have no words to describe how amazing and insane this is!!
I was trying to do this kind of art but output was very pathetic lol you've done great job
Wow! Breathtaking creation! Reminds me of Rihanna's lyrics.....🎶🎶🎶even angels have their wicked schemes 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Wonderful creation! 🤩
Thanks for being part of my ⭕Best in your last 24H⭕ challenge. Congrats to all, especially the Top 3 👏🏻
So many wonderful and creative submissions, keep it up! Next challenge will start very soon... 😊
I have also this challenge right now:
Thanks again, hope to see your creations in my challenges! 👍🏻
Holy hell! Save some talent and creativity for the rest of us. 😜 This literally gave me goosebumps.
Haha I truely appreciate the kind words. It brings a smile to my face to hear my creations connected with someone 😁🍹
wooow Amazing creation Schmooz ! so beautiful composition, well done & thank for your vote
First of all, gorgeous creation, looks absolutely amazing as your creations are always! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for participating and I am very happy that you share this beautiful creation with us!! 💖💗🥰💞 Second of all, I want to address issues faced while ranking in the recent challenge, and I apologize for not making the shortlist bigger 🫶🏻🥹❤️🩹 I really like the ranking system and would like to know more people's opinion on this!! 💝💕 We can keep the ranking system but make the challenges smaller with less participants but more frequent occurring OR we can switch to voting like other challenges?? Please let me know your thoughts and I hope you have an amazing day!! ✨🥰😍😘✨
Hello everyone!
Today was a beautiful challenge. The winners were fantastic, but as always it was the average quality that was very high.
We look forward to seeing you today for another challenge. Same time, same room.
Peace and Love,
Naturx & Sheyma (and yes, Doublecrash too!)
Holy moly looooook at the likes! wowza!!!!!
I loved that the demon’s eye is open while the angel’s eye is closed. It felt like the demon is praying for the opportunity to take your soul or for its downfall, while the angel is praying for the opportunity to save your soul or for its protection.🍹
Really good contrast of good and evil in the same pic
I am not sure how it works o n this platform if one wanted to use your creations?? PLease give me some advice
I think it all depends on what you mean by “use your creations”.
This was very nice! 🙌🤩 Thank you for joining us in the "Best of Your Day" challenge series, watch out for the next challenge that starts in an hour!
If you want to be tagged to notify you when the challenge starts, do let me know! ^^
Massive thanks to all who joined the No Theme 🏆 ✨The Prime Time ✨🏆 challenge! Your talent lit up the stage. Exciting news: next edition will feature prizes for the top three. Keep shining bright and stay tuned for more details!
Thank you to all participants of the No Theme Express challenge! Your quick creativity and dedication made it an exhilarating event. Stay tuned for more fast-paced challenges and keep up the fantastic work!
Hello everyone!
Another beautiful challenge took place yesterday, and our congratulations to the winners are very heartfelt!
We had over 150 entries today and all were of the highest quality.
We strongly hope to see all of you again today for another round of fun, friendship, and great AI skills.
See you today for another round.
Peace and Love,
Naturx & Sheyma (and yes, Doublecrash he's come back!)
I have seen your creation everywhere and I must say the popularity is well deserved, absolutely epic!!!!!
Thank you for playing in 'CREATIVITY NO THEME 1d / 5h' Each submission was lovely. Thank you so much for participating in my face challenge ever! I promised to like and comment every submission. I've already liked each one, and this is the promised comment. Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for playing my challenge! Stay in the group to be notified of the next one! PS: great creation
🥉 Congratulations to the winners of the Daily No Theme challenge! Your creativity and dedication have truly shone through. Keep up the fantastic work and continue to inspire us all!
Thank you to everyone who participated in today's Daily No Theme challenge! Your creativity made it a success. Exciting news: entries are now open again! Join us for another chance to showcase your talent and compete for credits awarded to the top three winners. Keep the creativity flowing and let's make tomorrow even more amazing!
wow! i rlly enjoyed seeing ur beautiful creation, it was amazing! im so happy u could join my challenge and look forward to seeing more of ur awesome pics!
Stunning creation! It's incredible that you have achieved this perfection in NC.
this is amazing! was trying something similar without the same results xD
There you go, enjoy the inpainting prompt. I’m guessing you don’t read creation descriptions because others have found/used the original prompt 👀
There you go, enjoy the inpainting prompt. I’m guessing you don’t read creation descriptions because others have found/used the original prompt 👀
"Background blend"
"intricate details, HDR, beautifully shot, hyperrealistic, sharp focus, 64 megapixels, perfect composition, high contrast, cinematic, atmospheric, moody"
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Very nice art, I did a similar concept on DALL-E