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Created 3 months ago · 316 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰💸🤑 55
Dreamshaper XL Lightning
Average rating: 3.66 out of 5.
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congrats Nikko for your top ranking! wonderful landscape, excellent work my dear Friend
Thank you so much dear friend! I'm in my mother's house for Xmas vacations, so not so active here! Have fun!
How wonderful! Enjoy your Christmas dear friend! I am sorry I am not keeping up so well with comments. Just so busy with Christmas around the corner.
Thank you so much Allen! So glad you like it! It's my entry for today No-theme
congrats Nikko! beautiful winterscape and colors, great work my dear Friend
Incredibly stunning! Would love to visit this place!😍
Congrats ever so verry much my Dear Friend,this is absolutely Marvelous Congrats 🎁😉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎁🎉🎁
Thank you so much my dear friend! Always appreciate your kind words
Mawww and i'm Glad you doo, so it's absolutely a Pleasure 😌
Congratz to all the people who participated in this challenge. My favorite entry and prize goes to @master_of_art because it reminds me of one of mine. For the next one im going to do something different for the prizes.
Μπράβο Νίκο, το αξίζεις και με το παραπάνω, έχεις κάνει τέτοια εξέλιξη που κοντραρεις προ στα ίσια και συνήθως είσαι πολύ καλύτερος , συγχαρητήρια 💯❤️🎉🎈🎇🎊👏🎆
Σε ευχαριστώ φίλε μου. Τώρα Χριστούγεννα... ήρθα με φαμίλια στη μάνα μου στο πατρικό οπότε χαλαρώνω κ δε θα είμαι μέσα πολύ. Μην ανησυχήσεις απλά όταν βρίσκω χρόνο θα απαντώ
Χαίρομαι πάρα πολύ, στην τελική γιορτή αγάπης τη λέμε. Να περάσεις υπέροχα και σου εύχομαι τα καλύτερα!!!!!
Επίσης φίλε μου. Να περάσετε όμορφα
Glückwunsch, so wunderschön und dieser Stern dazu, bin immer wieder beeindruckt von deinen Kreationen
Thank you so much dear Mairine. Always a pleasure reading your comments
Das freut mich 🙏😊
Best. You're my favorite . 😊 Keep shining with your amazing creativity! 🌟
Sooo very beautiful, a wonderful mood - love it! Congratulations dear friend
Magister! Quod omnes opera teu admirari possint et se earum partem sentire... necesse est ut simul caffeam sumamus et aliquas mihi dicas praebeas!
Thank you so much my friend! Nothing special here. Just love creating, mixing styles, techniques and colours. And don't stop till make it the way I like 😄
A magnificent snowy landscape, relaxing, peaceful, and harmonious. I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful, pleasant, and magical Christmas!
Thank you so much dear Bettina. My best wishes for wonderful peaceful Christmas for you and your family
EPIC Congratulations on Being a NightCafe Featured Artist!
Hi Nikko, Happy New Year once again!
I checked my inbox, and I saw the incredible news that you’ve been selected as a NightCafe Featured AI Artist! My friend, I am absolutely blown away for you—I am so, so thrilled and proud that your amazing and original art has been recognized at this level.
Nikko, this is such a fabulous accomplishment, and it truly speaks to the brilliance and creativity you bring to your work.
Once again, I wish you and your family the very best for this new year. May 2025 be full of happiness, health, achievements for you. Enjoy this amazing recognition—your art! Very best wishes Ginny 🌸🖤🌸
All those playful, hidden & trippy details on top of that high glossy and very realistic style makes this one of my favorite creations on nightcafe i've seen the past few months! Just love it! 🫶🏼 Incredible work, some photographers out there would wait their whole lifes to take a picture like that (in a range of the possible oc, like without beeing able so the starsigns with this setting unless someone would layer/merge countless hdr fotos together), it's so stunning what became possible with AI and knowing the right algos, engines and oc, the right prompts! Mad respect for your skills and your imagination! Would love to have a creation from you as a music album/single cover for one of my upcoming tracks in 2025. If you're keen with that, oc i'll pay you for your work that's self-evident, we could even talk about you becoming my music labels graphic designer. Would fit so well to the genres (melodic techno to melodic psytrance and everything in between) 🩶
📣 Group Message 📣
Thanks all of you artists for taking part and voting in my recurring ⭕NO THEME⭕ challenge. So many awesome entries including yours! 🤩
Congrats to those that got credits, especially the Top 3! 👏🏻
I'll be liking the Top 20 ❤ after sending this message.
Another challenge will start soon in the same room, hope to see your creativity again! 👍🏻
📈 Challenge results:
My Other Challenge Rooms:
⭕Sci-Fi Challenge⭕
Nikko P has hidden the prompt
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Beautiful ❤️