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Created 7 months ago · 196 comments· 0 likes·🪙 1
If you want to be notified for when I post my next creation, leave a comment and i'll tip it when my next post is up ❤️
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That was supposed to be “painter” not Pinter. lol Thank you for the tip.
Sí, no importa si no conseguiste lo que querías, esta es una imagen increíble.
I definitely want to be notified; although, I have 2 creations that I reimangined & tagged you in. One made from this and tagged you & thanked you in the best Spanish i could remember 🪄😊 I love ALL of your work. And, I've now started to become part of the #promptgang with some of my images! I think it's a kind gesture to help fellow Nightcafe creators! And, I love doing RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness). Sorry for the lengthy comment! Lots of positive vibes sent your way! 🌟
A su lado podría estar el Principito y la Rosa... ;-)
Thank you for sharing your unexpected image! Adorable 💖
Youve got that depth and sparkle formula down to a science!
this is so cute...too adorable....love it. please notify me when you post. Thank you 😊
Don't know what you expected, but he/she is a very pleasant surprise I think !!!
OMG this is the CUTESST thing that I have ever seen cudos
Expect the unexpected, and you might end up with a masterpiece! This is beautiful, Adan. It's perfect 😍👏
Charming sparkling blue eyes! Unexpected result came unbelievable adorable fox! Your tip is greatly appreciated! 😊❤️
Me encanta este zorrito, los ojos son hipnotizantes, felicitaciones
Such a sweet little baby, your animal creations with such expressive faces always make me smile. ♡♡♡
"A hyper-realistic digital artwork of an adorable cute happy dumb fox trying to catch his own tail, looking directly at the viewer with big and blue, expressive eyes. The fur of the fox is dense and textured, with each hair finely detailed and shimmering with tiny fireflies under a dimly lit night sky. Sakura petals fall around it, adding to the magical, serene atmosphere. The scene is set on a surface that resembles a garden full of colorful flowers. The color palette is dominated by shades of white, emphasizing a chilly, enchanting ambiance"
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So cute. The pinter Bob Ross would say it was a happy accident. lol 🦊