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Created 9 months ago · 232 comments· 0 likes·🪙💰 6
Thank you so much, thank you to the NC community for this huge gift you gave me today, I am so happy. I could not respond to all your kind expressions of sympathy, but know that I read them all and my heart is filled with joy. Thanks again. 💓
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Congratulations, I'd love to have you enter something into my little challenge.
BIG CONGRATS on YOUR NC badge WIN. Ginny🌸🩶🌸 truly amazing incredible art
Congratulations on making runner up in the Masterpiece Monday challenge with this great creation!
This is even more amazing with ChromaDepth 3D glasses. The stereoscopic optical illusions they reveal from the use of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet colors is impressive.
This is best viewed with standard ChromaDepth 3D glasses from American Paper Optics. With them, you can see their hidden stereoscopic optical illusions. To get the strongest 3D effect, increase both your viewing distance and duration.
This is something I was totally unaware of, thank you for taking the time to give me this information.
Extremely delicate detailed wonderful tears congratulations
Stunning!! Amazing work!! Congrats on silver!!🤗🥰❤️🌸💖💫👏👏🌺🌹🎉🎊🥳🥳
Superb Creation;-)
Kindly Join my challenge, submit your creation.
Ha d'accord ! J'me barre un week-end et le mec prend le podium ! GG !! 👌🤘
*s'en va chercher son filet à papillon *
Such a beautiful work. Make me almost cry when I look at it. It´s a masterpiece and one of a kind. I my mind a true winner!
Wow! Outstanding, stunningly beautiful and mesmerizing. Congratulations!
Mdr, punaise je met 3h à charger cette page 😂 c'est quoi ce commentaire de merde juste en dessous ?
C'est un troll, j'ai eu la flemme de report, il y est depuis le début.
J'me tire une balle ds le pied mais y'a le challenge de dionthorn si tu l'as pas vu
J'ai vu, l'occasion est trop belle. Je l'ai engagée hier, tu penses bien ☺️
139ème ! Je préfère en rire. Hallucinant quand même ces downvotes....
Je croise pas les doigts 😂😁
139eme!! incroyable! de mon côté mon paris n'a pas fonctionné non plus ^^ 76th ce qui n'est pas si mal...:😁
u're so kind 😆 , bon j'arrête de commenter ici, je met toujours 3h a charger la page , trop de succés ici, j'étouffe ^^
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