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Resilient Fox Brings Hope to the Darkest Cavern
Resilient Fox Brings Hope to the Darkest Cavern

Create Space Adventure Scenes with AI

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2 months ago

Orión rescata al pequeño Nibbles de una caverna tenebrosa

Created 2 months ago · 327 comments· 0 likes·🪙 3



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USE THE CODE "ADANSITOART" OR CLICK THE LINK FOR A DISCOUNT ON YOUR PRO MEMBERSHIP/pricing?fpr=adansito (you can put the code manually if you click on "Show Order Summary" and click on "Add discount") ♥️

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Creation Summary by Vincent

Resilient Fox Brings Hope to the Darkest Cavern

A determined fox, carrying a lantern and a basket of colorful potions, leads a small mouse companion through a mysterious, night-filled cavern. The fox's photorealistic, medieval-inspired appearance is a testament to its bravery in the face of winter's chill.

Created by adansito on Jan 6, 2025 using the DALL-E 3 AI image generator model.


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Awww. 💗 Friendship is a blessing.

2 monthsReply

So true💕

🪙 1

Hooray!!!! I wanted Orión and Nibbles and it happened! This is a great day! Thank you @adansito ! hugglepounceglomp

🪙 1

Wow, finally together & how lovely the expression of Orión to keep safe Nibbles. Thank you so much for this so lovely scene! 🤗

Thank you for your tip!

Absolutamente encantadora imagen, ver a los dos juntos es todo un sueño

Muchas gracias por el crédito!!!!

Nibbles AND Orión!!!! So cute and sweet❤

Also, I wanted to thank you so much for leaving your prompts open - I either learn something or have fun reading the story you've created with your words, and it's inspiring to see the most followed person on here do so.


WOW ! 💖👍 Orión even blinks - while you didn't ask for that (when i ask for that it never happens 🥴)! but then again you did ask for his ears to twitch, and for Nibbles to look around, and AI refused 🤦‍♀️ never mind adansito, i love it ! ❤😽💖

Aww 😍 I can't believe this! Finally together! ❤️‍🔥✨

hope they both find their way out of it ^^

Very cool 😎, imaginative and brilliant idea!

Replying to: Jordan Helt Brueh Thanks for the tip!

You're most welcome!

Amazing animation. Love the way he walks✨️

Many thanks for the tip ✨

Muchas gracias por la propina 😊😊

really cute, good, job, so amazing work 😍

Great work !!!

Beautiful (Here is my picture) ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Wonderful teamwork!

Wow! It's lovely charming✨👍😍💫

It's incrdible beauty 😍💫✨

🪙 1

No words can describe how cute and well animated I think it is!!


So cute. Love how he blinks in the animation!

Bravo, such a tenderly loving portrait :)

Off on a trek

😍❤️🥰 Awwww! 🤗

Another brilliant animation! Well done!

The walking part is realistic

Aww- wonderful!🤎

Oh I love this- so adorable

Ohh, I love their story! Orión and Nibbles get on like a house on fire! 💙❤️


Amazing work of Art 😄

Wow, adansito, your creation truly brings Orión and Nibbles to life in the most enchanting way! The narrative of friendship and protection shines brilliantly through this artwork. 🌟 The delightful animations and expressions you've crafted ensure that this scene remains etched in our hearts. The careful interplay of fantasy elements combined with the tender portrayal presents not just a moment, but a beautiful story. 🚀✨ Your ability to capture and animate such profound emotions is nothing short of amazing. Keep pushing those creative boundaries! #FantasyDelight #CreativeAnimation 🎨💫

Magnifique, bravo

Awwww, I love ittttt!!!🥰

Lovely 💕


Awwwwww so cute!!!!

Little explorer

Together they journey. Well wishes to them.

Awwwww…. This story is amazing. Love how he even blinks!!!!

oohh my!! So very adorable and sweet!! lovely animation! 🥰 🤗 🪷 🌹 💐 👏 👏 💞 🌺 🌼 ✨ ✨

I could watch his journey forever! ♾️❤️

My buddy's nickname is Nibbler to some. I think 🤔 it's about him nibbling on necks lol 😆 I'll have to ask. Beautiful rendition 💖!!!

Awesome 👍

Something else

A harrowing journey

Woww! This is so beautiful! Love it! ❤️❣️😍😍

Aww ! Love it ❤️

Very nice!👍❤❤❤

Awesome, friendship is good!

Awww so adorable ❤️🐁🦊

Wonderful friendship, Orion and Nibbles! Great creation! 🦊🤍🐭

Love this! Heartwarming!

Adorably Cute!

Nice artwork! ❤️


Absolutely Beautiful!

Orion and Nibbles are together! So sweet!

Poetry in in motion!

Soooo adorable!


Love it

I love your designs and I especially love these characters and the story you've created and brought to life!! 💖 Can't wait for more!!



Lovely to be on an adventure!

Sooo adorably cute! 🥰🥰🥰


Yay! Finally together!

Very nice🌺🌹✨


Awwwwww so cute 💗💗💗

Enough of this creature please

Wow! It's an amazing scene! 🥰

Que bravo!!!! So, so cute

I just love Nibbles. 🖤 And Orion! 🩷

🪙 1

Boa criação 👏

So adorable! I love your 🦊❣️♥️🤩❤️❣️🦊

So very fantastic!

🪙 1

remember to credit him when you copy & paste his prompt!


Wie süß die Beiden zusammen sind, eine wunderbare Kreation ♥️👍 hab vielen Dank 🙏

Excellent work!

fantastic animation adansito, excellent work my Friend


Cuteness overload!


Love this masterpiece 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Wow.... like it with a mouse...... 🤩💗

Beautiful, very well done

Oooh this is so cute! Together! 😻 Please keep 'em coming, I'm a big fan! ❤️

🪙 1


I love this!!!💖

Un pèlerin pour Compostelle ?? Super travail !

Stunning as Usual and Lovely to See them Together


finally both together! great! ☺️🤗

Impressive artwork!


So adorable



Fantastical 💖

Ohhh sooo cute! Just love the barrel with the toiletries.. and the little mouse friend...♥️✨💫


J adore la façon dont elle avance, petits pas par petits pas, incroyable animation 👌👌👌💯💯💯💯

Beautiful. Following you.



Wow so cute

🪙 1

Magnifique animation j'adore !! 😍

Magnífico y que tierno! Bien hecho Orión! 😜 😜 😜

journey to west


Wowww ,bin sprachlos, tolles Bild 👏👏

:D WOW !!!! This is incredible !!

What a cute friendship image🦊🥰

Is that mouse the same as a monkey on your back?

So adorable x

So adorable and charming! ♥️♥️♥️

Oh, that's so cute! He's a bit scared! 🥰🧡❤🤍

Adorable 😍❤️

The cutest combination



Yesss! more of Orion and Nibbles! This is the cutest!

Thank you for the tip!

This is incredible! Perfect motion with LUMA

A grand adventure!!

So touching, adorable, and masterful. Love it!

Spectacular animation!


Awww. 💗

Deberías montarte un vlog con las Aventuras de Orión y Nibbles

Amazing 😍


really cute those both :)

Wow! Amazing and cute!

Wowwww fantastic incredible

Suggestive, nice illustration for a possible story, some interesting details.

So extremely cute. 😍 😍

Haha - what is it carrying in the bag? 😁

Amazing. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing your workflow too, so that users like I can improve! 🥰

I LOVE FOXES this is super cute!!

So @adansito Thank you very much for leaving your prompt open. I got to do a family portrait where each animal represents each of us, ie, I am my wife's silverback and my sister Ali has always been "Gator." So thank you.

Again thank you. Please let me know if you think it'd be okay to publish some of these.


Orion and Nibbles, a cute team! Loved it, Adansito!

pssst! How about a panda? or a rabbit? OR BOTH!? pweeeeeeeeeease

Cette scène est absolument merveilleuse ! Bravo bravo j'adore leurs expressions ❤️❤️❤️

Adorable little friends. Amazing details and animation.

super awesome

🪙 1

Cute and warm composition

Very cute good creation

🪙 1

יפה מאוד

Oooh they found each other! Are you planning to write a story or... I don't know, create a movie with these characters?

So sweet 💙👏

this is sooo cute ♥

nice! good job!

Very sweet.

!!!!!!so nice!!!!!!!

On my way to the Spa....


So sweet! 🥰 💕

Many thanks for the tip!!!

This is just too cute! :)

This is so detailed, having read the prompt. Amazing job!

Fantastique animation


너무 귀여워 시선이 멈춰짐

another SUPERB illustration with a BRILLIANT animation ... U rock !!!!

וואו תודה רבה על הקרדיט איש טוב

brilliant it !!!

It's totally adorable!!!!!!

¡Adorable en duplicado! Wow Maestro, otro fenómeno memorable. Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros. ¡Y las aventuras continúan!....

Wonderful animation! It's beautiful, well done and cute!😍😍😍

וואו יצירה נפלאה מקווה שתירא


This is so interesting, i would love to read the story!

They’re so cute together 😍😍

Awe lovely journey buddies

चिंकी का सपना

प्रॉम्प्ट: एक सुंदर, हरा-भरा जंगल जिसमें सूरज की किरणें पेड़ों के बीच से छनकर आ रही हैं। केंद्र में एक छोटी, प्यारी गिलहरी (चिंकी) है, जो पत्तों और छोटे कचरे को अपने नन्हे पंजों से इकट्ठा कर रही है। पास में एक खरगोश खड़ा है, जो मुस्कुराकर उसका मजाक उड़ा रहा है। गिलहरी के चेहरे पर आत्मविश्वास झलक रहा है।

Such a great scene and empathetic characters! Love it! Congrats!!

Just the cutest! 💗💗💗

u il est beau ce sauvetage ,j adore ton animation si touchante

The small details of the items in the bucket... very good.

its so cute thank you

This is SO COOL!! I love it

I love foxes and mice, this is perfect!

❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘

Awesome characters. Great details like hood or lamp. Nice movement animation

It is so creative! Reminds of my best friends going on an adventure

Creation Settings


Luma Dream Machine

Luma Dream Machine

Start Image

Orión rescata al pequeño Nibbles de una caverna tenebrosa



Video Prompt

"the fox holds a lantern and walks towards the right while its ears twitch, and the mouse looks around curiously"

Camera Motion


Original Creation Settings

Text Prompts

"Create a highly detailed image of a small fox character walking on two legs through an obscure cavern has a white baby mouse character sitting on the head of the fox. The fox has soft orange fur, orange mixed with black ears, and an adorable expression of determination. It is dressed in a medieval-style, worn red hooded cloak, tied with rough twine, with frayed edges. The fox is carrying a lantern throught the cavern and he holds a large wooden basket on its back, containing a huge amount of magic potions of different colors. The mouse has soft white fur and large pink ears. It is dressed in a worn blue shirt, tied with rough twine, with frayed edges. The background features a mysterious and night cavern, adding a sense of adventure and challenge to the scene. The overall style should be photorealistic, capturing intricate textures like the fur and fabric of the cloak. The mood of the image is adventurous, with a touch of resilience, as the fox braves the night winter conditions in a creepy world"


DALL·E 3 Revised Prompt

Create a highly detailed image of a small fox character walking on two legs through an obscure cavern has a white baby mouse character sitting on the head of the fox. The fox has soft orange fur, orange mixed with black ears, and an adorable expression of determination. It is dressed in a medieval-style, worn red hooded cloak, tied with rough twine, with frayed edges. The fox is carrying a lantern throught the cavern and he holds a large wooden basket on its back, containing a huge amount of magic potions of different colors. The mouse has soft white fur and large pink ears. It is dressed in a worn blue shirt, tied with rough twine, with frayed edges. The background features a mysterious and night cavern, adding a sense of adventure and challenge to the scene. The overall style should be photorealistic, capturing intricate textures like the fur and fabric of the cloak. The mood of the image is adventurous, with a touch of resilience, as the fox braves the night winter conditions in a cavern.




Addon Models

Initial Resolution


Aspect Ratio


DALL·E 3 Quality


DALL·E 3 Style


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