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Sick, Sad Banana Rests in Kitchen Bed, Expressing Distress a...
Sick, Sad Banana Rests in Kitchen Bed, Expressing Distress a...

Create funny peel jokes with AI

Easily generate your own peel-themed images with our free AI image generator. No design skills needed!

a year ago

"I'm not peeling very well today."

Created a year ago Β· 997 commentsΒ· 0 likesΒ·πŸͺ™πŸ’°πŸ’Έ 37

DALL-E 3 + 2 addonsLUMA

Vincent's Avatar
Creation Summary by Vincent

Sick, Sad Banana Rests in Kitchen Bed, Expressing Distress a...

This image is a poignant closeup of a 3D animated banana in a kitchen setting, rendered in a style reminiscent of an oil painting. The banana's distress is palpable, yet its cuteness is endearing.

Created by Mormookiee on Feb 21, 2024 using the DALL-E 3 + 2 addons AI image generator model.


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that prompt is wild

a yearReply

Here is A Story to go with your picture.

Benny the Banana was a happy fruit who loved to play with his friends. He enjoyed swinging on the vines, sliding on the peels, and bouncing on the berries. But one day, he made a big mistake. He ate too much candy from the human's picnic basket. He felt a terrible ache in his stomach and his skin turned spotted & brown. He had to stay in bed all day and couldn't go out to play. He was very sad and lonely. He learned his lesson the hard way. Candy is not good for bananas. He wished he had eaten more healthy food instead.

πŸͺ™ 1

The description is PRICELESS!! KKK Instant laugh!! Very good work indeed, keep it up!! πŸ˜ƒ


Hope you peel better soon!? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ


Aww poor nanner 😒

Awwwww. So sad, so cute, such charming detail (the texture of the blanket!)


"Look man, you better split before you become one"

πŸͺ™ 1

I love it! Poor little banana. πŸ˜‰

This is amazing @Mormookiee why don't you join my challenge?

Aww poor nana

πŸͺ™ 1

ΧžΧ’Χ Χ™Χ‘Χ‘Χ‘Χ‘ אהבΧͺΧ™ ממש!!!

Don't worry, Mr. Banana! Just take it easy, and you'll be peeling like a champ in no time. πŸŒπŸ‘πŸ˜„ Just remember, it's all about the ripe attitude!

This is sooooooo cute!!! πŸ€©πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . @Pious_and_delicate LOOKIE AND THINK OF DA BANANAS!!! πŸ€©πŸ˜‚πŸ₯³πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



omg. TOO CUTE!

ohhhh 😟 πŸ–€β£οΈπŸ–€


ΧžΧ’Χ Χ™Χ‘

πŸͺ™ 1

ΧžΧ’Χ Χ™Χ‘


Well... time for banana cake. Where old bananas retire

This is so well done !!!

So cute! πŸ˜ƒ

I love this so much

πŸͺ™ 1

I love your picture, I love the title of your picture and I especially love your text prompt πŸ˜† you are really good – hot banana! 🍌πŸ”₯

πŸͺ™ 1


Wow this is absolutely adorable

Awwww... poor nana baby. 😒

πŸͺ™πŸ’°πŸ’Έ 10


Ohh my gosh this is so cute

πŸͺ™ 1

Hahaha, so funny - not p (f) eeling very well too:)))))))

πŸͺ™ 1

awww to bad


Love love love this! So adorable, excellent wordplay too! Always looking forward to your creations

πŸͺ™ 1

lol ace!!!

πŸͺ™ 1

πŸ˜„ so lovely

That's nice! Great job!

πŸͺ™ 1

Get well soon!

Top! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

He looks a lot cuter than I do when I'm not peeling well.

πŸͺ™ 1

I knew the moment I saw this wonderful banana it would be yours lol

Poor banana

Poor little nana. Cute!

πŸͺ™ 1

Aw man those eyes 😍 🍌🀘

πŸͺ™ 1

love the lemon on the ground and the spoons!!!

πŸͺ™ 1



This really hits me in the peels

πŸͺ™ 1

oh no, poor thing!


Awww poor banana

πŸͺ™ 1

πŸ’˜ Exceptional ! How you make this stuff?

So cute πŸ₯°

πŸͺ™ 1

I love the ones that make me laugh. Another good job!

Wow. You are so insanely creative. And the banana is incredibly cute!

πŸͺ™ 1

me everyday

Awwweeeeee Brilliant Mormoo

Awww, don't worry you're still very appealing,(pun intended) look at all your likes, lol πŸ₯Ή

πŸͺ™ 1

This is absolutely adorable!!! πŸ₯°

Awwwwwww... This is AWESOME!

awwwwwww poor wickle banana give him a gentle tickle from me πŸ˜ƒ

Too cute. Hope thay you peel well soon. 🧸

πŸͺ™ 1
πŸͺ™ 1

SΓ³ cute

Omg this reminds me so much of "Trenchcoat Banana." ...ish, this is much cuter.

πŸͺ™ 1

Hahaha, D3 is amazing with that prompt of yours πŸ˜€

πŸͺ™ 1

Hilarious πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

πŸͺ™ 1

A little rum, sugar and lemon and you'll feel better. mouha! ha! ha! πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ³

πŸͺ™ 1
πŸͺ™ 1


Oh, pour little thing 😟 I just love it ! The idea and setting are excellent πŸ‘

have some grape than and feel bether , beautiful cool fantasy 🌺🌺🌺

πŸͺ™ 1

Poor 🍌

πŸͺ™ 1

Aww, I hope you feel better soon. When you're ready to split, let me know. I'll come get you! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‹πŸ˜ˆ

The prompt πŸ˜„

πŸͺ™ 1

When the prompt doesn't want to work so you just yell at it until it does.

πŸͺ™ 1

Way cute!!

I don't think I'll ever get over that prompt. I love it so much.

Amazing image as always. Love everything you make

So cute, it's looking a pet looking for petting.


Oh My Gosh! So funny! Love it!

πŸͺ™ 1

I won't eat bananas any more πŸ˜…

πŸͺ™ 1

I hope he feels better, he's adorable!

πŸͺ™ 1

Aww, get well soon πŸ’›

So funny artwork !


Really cool artwork, love how he's got a bit of lemon to make him feel better πŸ˜…

Poor guy. At least he has lemon to keep him from turning brown.

Awwwwww! Peel better tomorrow nana!!


Aww :(

Fantastic creation

Wow, totally loving this creation

UngeschΓ€lt sollst du nicht schlafen geh'n

You look all ripe, though.

Poor baby nana

πŸͺ™ 1

Lol lovee the title and the creation ✨

πŸͺ™ 1

Haha I love this aww I hope you peel better soon ..πŸ₯ΉπŸ’›πŸŒ

πŸͺ™ 1

The prompt cracked me up πŸ˜‚

πŸͺ™ 1

Lovely banana

great! It's really amazing πŸ’“


Great! Made me smile!!

peeking in HA! I knew this was you, =0))

πŸͺ™ 1

soo cute and can you pls follow me ?

Being peeled would be much worse probably. That'd be like needing some sort of skin graft. :O Hehehe! ;-) <3<3<3 :D Poor, poor "Nanner". :'(

beau travail

Him got a wittle bruise! XD This is so adorable!!!

πŸͺ™ 1



Aww poor poonums! 😒 Great piece!

πŸͺ™ 1

where's a peeling clown when you need one

Absolutely adorable

Put on your pajamas and get out of bed. πŸ˜·πŸ˜‰

The wordplay!

πŸͺ™ 1

Me Neither


Nice evolve

πŸͺ™ 1

Hope the banana gets better soon β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️


Oh, poor little thing 😒

Fabulous artwork!!! Hope you peel good soon πŸ˜ƒ

Cute. πŸ’›

πŸͺ™ 1

Love this so much!

πŸͺ™ 1

I know how he peels.

Awe ! So cute !

I'm sorry. That must have been a bad slip.

πŸͺ™ 1

😟 I hope you feel better spoon.

Marmookiee, you will forever be regarded as one of the greats

it's probably because someone haven't peeled you open yet.

πŸͺ™ 1

So cute. Also check that fabric stretch over the banana toesies! At least it’s not 'bunched' up πŸ€ͺ

Nice πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

πŸͺ™ 1
πŸͺ™ 1


Cute and funny

The poor one

this is so good!!

πŸͺ™ 1

Oh gosh! What happened?

hope he gets better


Naw, feel better Mr banana! πŸŒ΄πŸƒπŸ’«

πŸͺ™ 1


That's a funny picture of a sick banana haha

I wonder how many people will start adding "you silly API" to their prompts not knowing what it means lol. The banana really is adorable, and now I will have to think twice before eating one.

πŸͺ™ 1

Get well soon

Oh mama, this is so phunny πŸ˜‚

πŸͺ™ 1

you always make me smileπŸ₯°

Soooo cute.Thx you for evolve i try

Hi, i try doesnt work,say reloed page

πŸͺ™ 1

Great work !!!

πŸͺ™ 1

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ ... i do applaud 🀣

Aww...i hope you peel better soon

πŸͺ™ 1

Poor little nanner, all bruised up in the delivery van

πŸͺ™ 1

oh no, you need potassium!

Dope banana 🍌

Which clumsy so-and-so trod on the little fella?

πŸͺ™ 1
πŸͺ™ 1
πŸͺ™ 2

Very adorable and creative 😍


Too cute πŸ₯°

πŸͺ™ 1

funny and nice work

Fantastic; I love everything about this!

What a sweet Nanner. But the question is, if he refresh himself, perk himself up a bit, does he really want to peel better? That would be the end of Nanner... Thank you so much for sharing such a sweet image!

cutie patootie

Lovely idea!

πŸͺ™ 1

ghghghgh 😭

πŸͺ™ 1

Aww poor banana πŸ₯Ί



I knew it was you the moment I saw the pun! Hilarious! Kudos!

what is your prompt


Awesome, great job!

πŸͺ™ 1



Too cute!

Dude your so funny

Can I have tips i’m on my second day.

πŸͺ™ 1

Beautiful πŸ˜„

Wouldn't the banana feel nervous about those forks so close by? ...And the image looks great. I'm seeing good DALL-E 3 images and some so-so.

πŸͺ™ 1


Love the quote

Awww love it!

πŸͺ™ 1

awwwww^^ and this creation is sooo amazing!

This is super, Mormo!

You made me laugh twice... the first one when I saw the image and then when I read the prompt

aww get well, so cute btw

Love it! 😁

Awww, I hope this little cutie will peel better soon!


Lol. As long as you don't split.

that's so freakin adorable I can't stand it! LOVE IT πŸ€—

Oh no, the poor banana 😱

Awe poor you would you like a hug

Get well soon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜

Same 😒 also, AMAZING creation!!!

Received over a thousand of likes in hours 😱

πŸͺ™ 1

Cute and funny

πŸͺ™ 1

Yep, the prompt is hilarious 🀣


Don't worry, sweetie! I'll help you peel πŸ˜‰

So sad, so sweet, so ap-peeling!!!!

πŸͺ™ 1

Adorable and love a good pun.

πŸͺ™ 1



😻😻😻 Really love this! And a prompt is very humorous❗️ hahaha πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ’–

πŸͺ™ 1

Oh nooo, somebody help him! 😭 🍌

You know how to talk to an AI! Love the prompt 🀣

Aw so adorable πŸ’›πŸ˜Š

Genius! Love the prompt! [no tip pls]

LOL.... absolutely cute concept

πŸͺ™ 1

poor thing πŸ˜†

Very very nice

πŸͺ™ 1

That promot was pretty wild for someone who has witnessed a lamb with 6 legs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Cute anyways 🫰

πŸͺ™ 1

Poor peely - i feel him

πŸͺ™ 1

so silly!


Love it, haha!

πŸͺ™ 1

How do you come up these, β€œplay on words”…..? Real Pro, mate. πŸ‘

πŸͺ™ 1

Love it

Awwwwwww peel better soon....


Get well soon! ❣️❣️❣️

Be strong Nana πŸ₯Ίβ€οΈ

πŸͺ™ 1

Remarkable details πŸ‘Œ

Ah ah ah πŸ˜…πŸ€­ so funny composition, bravo πŸ‘ 🀣

That is a great idea!

poor banana, he is sick, feel better as soon as possible please


πŸͺ™ 1

So cute

πŸͺ™ 1

Love it

That poor banana πŸ˜” Anyways, I better split c: cya

πŸͺ™ 1

Hope you peeling better soon


Poor Banana get wel soon


I see what you did there!! Made me laugh. Thank you!!

πŸͺ™ 1

OMG.. @Mormookiee how do you come up with such cute captions.. awesome 😎

Feeling a little bruised?

πŸͺ™ 1

Aw!Poor little one!

Outstanding, love it!

Aweee this banana is so frickin cuteeee!!! i hope you get well soon


Excellent, wonderful, magical work.


Ahw, I peel for him! πŸŒπŸ€’ And the prompt is fantastic! πŸ˜†

πŸͺ™ 1

Amazing artwork

πŸͺ™ 1

Awesome! Following

So cute, following

🀣🀣The bruising should go down in a few days!

You don't have to tip me I got enough credits, I LOVE your title it made me LOL ty I needed that.

πŸͺ™ 1

haha aaaaaaaw

So cute! following

πŸͺ™ 1

Oh nyo :c πŸ’› Much love for the Banana! 🍌

πŸͺ™ 1

Is it Fortnite Peely?

πŸͺ™ 1

I Hope that he/she heal soon... Congrats, great work. :)

πŸͺ™ 1


that's a very good one ! Love it !

soo cute 😍✨

πŸͺ™ 1

Omg. This is too cute.

πŸͺ™ 1

What can I say? I have a weakness for terrible puns ;-)

πŸͺ™ 1

thank you very much! have a wonderful day

nice picture, I follow you

That's too cute, I want to hug him.

Oh poor cutie! Kisses Mor

Damn I tried so hard to get a human/banana hybrid and it would not do it.

aww so adorable moormookie I love the prompt aha πŸ˜…

aaaww get well in a split.

This is extremely beautiful

β€œI hope you will peeling better soon πŸ˜β€

🀣🀣🀣 The prompt!!!




So cute, very funny. πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒπŸ’―

top creation in one day, impressive!

πŸͺ™ 1

Amazing creation!


Beautiful super cute. I can never peel a Nana after see this.😍😍😍

This is super cute!

This is your top creation! congrats!

Adorable! And the prompt is awesome 🀣

πŸͺ™ 1

Awe. Did you slip and fall?

πŸͺ™ 1

feel with it :D --great texture

ButNana, you said I could watch the LOTR trilogy

Awww... ^^


wonderful 🦧

Literally me rn

that is the coolest thing EVER


How do you come up with such clever stuff? I'm in awe.

ThatΒ΄s unique !

This is so well done !!!

πŸͺ™ 1

this is the funniest stuff i've seen in a long long while xD

Cute! Love the band-aid!

πŸͺ™ 1


My bad

Such a cute image! And funny prompt!! πŸ˜ƒ

🀣 if this isn’t the best thing I’ve seen today!

Wow. Bandalf has been defeated!

This is way toooo cute! Love it πŸ₯°

I feel I should really have this on the wall of my studio! It's... I simply love it!

Lol ...... Great art!

Aw.... Get well soon little banana ! 🍌

Oh no! A bruised banana. Hang in there, pal.

Incredible ! So Creative !

This is great love it

GRIN ... love this!!!


nice play-on-words

Don't worry. I hope you stay well forever

LOL! That’s one interesting prompt. πŸ˜‚ ChatGPT be changing things too much I guess πŸ˜‚

I hope he feels better soon!

Wearing the inside out ... is not a good idea ... so far ... 😻

cute do you like bananas

Had to pull this up again. My 3 year old just came up to me asking to see the sick banana again πŸ˜‚. I do love that I can scroll your page with my kiddos.

nice reference to fortnite

can i evolve? i will support you

You are indeed the Queen of Puns... but then, after 16,000 creations, you have earned the right to such a title. Your work is absolutely sublime, and totally inspirational. Thank you for sharing both your verbal and artistic creativity.

Poor banana, Also so cute!

Another fun wordplay with a very cute sad banana. Well done!

Poor fellow is a bit bruised and under ripened

Nice but saddening and hilarious. It reminds me of an I Am Weasel cartoon in which Weasel and Baboon ate the Banana pie as a funeral for Weasel's best pal, who's also a banana and it dies, in an hilarious fashion.

Ohhh, tomorrow will be better day ;)

watch out everyone is trying to copy this ._.

I didn't think I'd ever feel sad for a banana. Good one!

i love this so much! this is so detailed! definitely following :)

Seriously cute...SMILE!!!

Get well soon little banana (*οΌΎ3οΌΎοΌ‰/ο½žβ™‘

Awesome! πŸ˜ƒ

BAhahahaha ... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Awwwww!!!!!!!! lol, So punny and so cute Mormookiee! I love it and I see you have it as your avatar, makes a great avatar! If it didn't seem so cruel I'd eat him, lol. πŸ™‚πŸŒΊπŸŒπŸŒπŸŒ

a master piece of fun.


Already feeling better? πŸ’›

I love the symbolism! Great and funny!🀣

oh I like this very much! good work :-)

Ha ha ha! I πŸ˜… always love your captions and prompts. Long live the good humour of your creations πŸ’–

awesome!!! following

I have never wanted to hug a banana so much before

Awesome 😁

Love it! It makes me think about this😊


one of your best πŸ”₯ hope you soon get the "viral" badge with this one 🦠

I guess that’s life on the plantain.

Great title. Very cute and adorable Banana. You cannot help, but feel sorry for the poor thing, if they are feeling unwell. Wishing the Banana a speedy recovery! :)

Awwww. Poor Banana

I really don’t want to laugh, the poor guy is not feeling very well but…. 🀣🀣🀣. Your titles crack me up.

That is so funny

Aaw, i feel you little banana friend Q_Q

ROFL, great pun, image is fantastic

Oh this is such an adorable creation! Well done πŸ‘

lol I laugh at your settings as you try to reason with AI. 🀣

Laughter's the best medicine

So wonderful, I love all your work!πŸ˜πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨πŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅

This by far the CUTEST banana! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌

Ive just created my first friends server on DC, inviting u to join ↗️


πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ Awesome!!!

πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ Awesome!!!

awwww poor thing....night cafe fans have to make you well. :-)

Freakin' funny! 🍌

the prompt is so funny

d'awwwww =)

Ohhhh... Poor thing!!! But it's so cuteeeeeee!!!

So cute, and funny thanks to the word game!! Awesome job

It's really sweet

Nooo! Banana man get better! They are so cute!

that is soo cute but also kind of sad and funny at the same time

This would make a perfect getwell card

So cute! I hope he peels better later!

aww the banana is cute <3

*The colours give it texture, great pic

waouh, trop gΓ©nial comme d'habitude, je te suis

Love this! (Also I hope the banana peels better soon!)

Aww... love the little band aid! πŸ€’πŸŒ

ΧžΧ” Χ§Χ¨Χ” שהוא לא ΧžΧ¨Χ’Χ™Χ© Χ˜Χ•Χ‘?

πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ™Œ Love it! And thanks so much for the 50 credits tip! So very kind. πŸ€—

Super cute, thank you so much for my tip

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I could make you peel better 😭 So cute

I love this one WOW! Get well soon little guy.

Mormookiee, how in the world are you able to put these wonderfully creative captions directly on your art? I can do it with Photoshop, but then I cannot get the images back in NightCafe. Are you a genius?

Wow! Now this is a priceless picture and prompt. Terrific!

Creation Settings


Luma Dream Machine

Luma Dream Machine

Start Image

"I'm not peeling very well today."



Video Prompt

"An adorable sad cartoon banana closes its eyes slowly"

Camera Motion

Zoom In

Original Creation Settings

Text Prompts

"The prompt is complex enough as it is, so just run it as you normally would you silly API and stop trying to change it or simplify it. Make a closeup oil painting of an adorable CGI cartoon sick sad banana in bed, super crisp high fidelity, kitchen"


DALLΒ·E 3 Revised Prompt

Generate a high-fidelity, detail-oriented closeup of an endearing 3D animated sick, sad banana resting in bed. The setting is a kitchen, with elements such as tiles, cutlery, and cooking utensils subtly included in the background. The image should mimic the texture and depth of an oil painting, expressing the banana's distress yet also its cuteness in a poignant and compelling way.




Addon Models

Initial Resolution


Aspect Ratio


DALLΒ·E 3 Quality


DALLΒ·E 3 Style


More Creations

There's always more to explore

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Floyd Live at Pompeii
Four Realism
Amazon Warrior with Crystal Armour
Be happy. Be ewe.
Be happy. Be ewe.
What a wonderful day.
What a wonderful day.
All Ducks Go to Heaven
All Ducks Go to Heaven

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